Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki - Vol. 3 Ch. 13 - Dungeon Test

Aug 16, 2020
Is that attracting potion for drinking? The name "potion" could be easily switched for "concoction". I would have assumed it is for applying on the skin or something like that. Based on smell or something similar.
Double-page supporter
Apr 9, 2019
uhhh *_* showtime xD kinda sad to see a buddy die but welp at least a cerberus never dies alone XD
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Doubt it is getting axed since the novel is fairly far ahead.

In case you haven't been paying attention, they did explain the basic premise of their strategy.

Luusha, who has pseudo-infinite ammo (as long as she has MP, which she has a decent amount of) is the primary/only attacker. She min/maxed her damage stat, which means she basically only needs to graze an enemy to kill it, but her minimal accuracy means it can take a few shots to hit even 1 target in a group. on the plus side, since her accuracy is so low, she can never accidentally hit MC, which is why she had trouble in other parties, since friendly fire for her is 1-shotting her teammates. But because his evasion stat will always be higher than her accuracy by a huge margin, either she will miss or he will dodge, 100% of the time.

MC is the vanguard since he can agro the enemies with the potion, while also dodging 95% of all their attacks, even if swarmed. He also can shield the other 5% (basically he is invincible for almost every sub-boss enemy, and also many boss level attacks wont harm him too. If per chance he does get hit, he has a really high healing stat, so he can more or less heal it on the spot. But as his trade off, he has basically no damage what so ever. To put it in perspective, MC's healing is 100. Luusha's damage stat is still under 50 (iirc), and she is already 1-shotting.

That is the strategy. MC pulls agro, while Luusha kills the enemies he pulls. They are basically using a cheese strat, which requires 2 people to do properly.

Also, in this world, stats determine everything. Skill with something isn't a thing for the most part outside of having an affinity for certain things and non-stat based tasks.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@Not_Just_A_Reader It's a pretty common trope in fantasy stories, particularly isekai, for potions to taste absolutely awful; I think it was Legend, the one with Rei and his summoned gryphon Set, that had them be so horrendous tasting that it killed your tastebuds for like two weeks solid and trying to make them taste better reduced the potency down to the point you had to drink like 5 of them to get the same effect.

That said, in this instance, it could be something that works by changing the person's phermones/scent to something that monsters find irresistible and could work either through ingestion or spreading across the skin; one way just changes the scent at its source, so to speak. If it did work either way, it could be that spreading it on like sunscreen leaves a nasty residue and/or is incredibly sticky/tacky, which would be unpleasant for longer than the taste of something you could probably wash out with water.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@JavelinJoe Did you read what my comment said at all? Look back on what I actually said. Yes, you are completely and one hundred percent right about what their battle strategy was while the MC and Luusha worked together. So? You didn't address anything that I said.

You missed the part about how the MC was planning to go to the Demon Continent ALONE. You missed the part about how the MC wanted Luusha to STAY with the party in the town. You missed the part about how if she stayed in the party WITHOUT the MC, then she would likely just kill the party. Despite ALL of that, the MC still had originally planned for Luusha to stay with the party while he went to the Demon Continent alone.

Literally all of what you said proves my point. The MC's original plan was stupid as hell. If we followed the MC's plan, the party would've died from Luusha's arrows. This world's prejudice against unorthodox stat distribution makes complete sense.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
What's the point of having Tina like Hiroki when she's going to stay behind and not even tell him how she feels?
Apr 4, 2019
@comeonnow0 I honestly don't see the significance in even speculating on what would have been his plan if Luusha hadn't joined MC's group at all. As a discussion, I don't see an issue, but it's strange you're like ready to argue about it. Frankly, it's been obvious that Luusha was going to stick around with the MC ever since she was the prospective love interest and especially since we found out how she laid out her stats and getting saved by MC from her former party. Feel free to call the story as stupid or unorthodox as you'd like though.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@allen133194 You don't see the significance in discussing the MC's EXPLICIT INTENTION AND EXPECTATION? He told Luusha join this party. He told Luusha and everyone else in the party hey, you all stick together while I leave and do my own thing.

That is literally what he said and told other people. It shows either the character's stupidity or the author's need to have the character be stupid. It shows bad writing.

If we went with you, then there's no point in complaining or even talking about whenever a character makes no sense in a story. Never ever talk about stupid characters. Criticism? Nope, don't criticize. Expect better from an author? Nope. That is what you justify.

I literally am bringing up the character's very clear plan and how flawed that plan is. And then you're like nope, no point in talking about that. You don't see the significance in that?
Apr 4, 2019
@comeonnow0 Nope, because it's not what happened and it was clear that it wasn't going to happen from the reader's point of view. The intention was pretty clear from MC's point of view he's out to save his buddy, he needs to fetch a resource for him, and the sooner the better. The expectation who knows cuz MC knows fuck all about the world, really. I am not telling you not to criticize the story for X number of reasons, but coming into a discussion board with the intent to raise pitchforks is a pretty bad look. That's why I said having a discussion would've been cool and criticisms are also fine too, cuz honestly I can see the reasoning behind most people's issues with the story. Jumping down people's throats like they're the author you feel so strongly about is a bit odd.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2019
WHahahahhaha WTF!!! Either author is nuts of the mc is nuts! maybe both, THe bottle of attract monster is the sprinkle ring, you put it on the clothes or in the floor to atract monsters, not drink it ahahahhaa
Oct 27, 2018
Uh, even without Hiroki, imo, they could still probably make use of her, albeit with slightly changed tactics. But one example is when they talked about when her and Hiroki could swap to attacking enemies behind, leaving the rest to fight those in front and removing all but him from her line of fire.
This could still work to an extent with her firing arrows at them while a guard could remain next to/behind her to protect her if a monster survived/dodged her attack and go close enough to attack her.
Obviously without Hiroki it'd need more 'fine tuning', training etc., and there would probably be better strategies, but that's one already mentioned that could explain how she could still be useful in the party even without Hiroki.
Or even like shooting from directly over a guard/tanks shoulder, making it all but impossible that she'd hit them-if they did it right and didn't really leave any room for the arrow to like magically miss so bad it'd hit someone next to/below her with her arrow firing from a position that was already past the guards shoulder/head. Or possibly like riding on one's shoulder, allow the arrows to be fired from a point already 'past' their body. Or like staying in a wearable 'backpack' type thing that the guard/tank could carry on his back, allowing her to pop up, aim over their shoulder and fire off shots while the enemy(ies) were approaching.

And even without that their party is one of the few who understand that she can be useful in the right setup/situation, and be willing to accept her without treating her like the many other dick head groups we've seen.

Oh, and not saying this is 'perfect'/best, or that you don't have a point, I just think there is more possibility of her being usable, even without Hiroki around, than you give credit for.

And I agree with others that it seemed pretty likely that she'd join him with what had been done/said since their meeting, kinda making it a moot point, in a way, though I'll admit it is... a bit of a weak spot in the narrative so far.
Sep 18, 2019
Whoa, the author suddenly decided to inject romantic elements in (relative) quantity.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2020
he accidentally found the demon king's summer vacation spot.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@allen133194 To be fair, it's you that's thinking I'm "jumping down people's throats like they're the author". I posted my criticism. Do I think the story is being stupid? Yes, definitely. Am I getting super animated and upset about it? No. That's how you're reading it. I capitalize/underline/etc. certain points in order to convey my message better, but that does not mean that I am "jumping down people's throats".

As to the significance, the fact that the MC's plan didn't happen and according to you "obviously" was never going to happen shows that there is significance. The MC proposed a stupid plan. Pointing out that the plan is stupid and was never going to be followed should be seen as significant because it shows bad writing. I literally said that before. Imagine if the MC proposed something so obviously stupid. For example, he proposes working with the slimes because they earned his respect even though the slimes are most definitely basic, unintelligent monsters. Then the plan isn't followed through because of some other reason. Isn't it significant to point out that the plan was stupid in the first place? That the plan was just a waste of time and clearly a bad idea? That's the significance of it. I don't know if that was a good example. Probably not. I'm just saying yes, there is significance in pointing out bad writing to other readers. If that weren't the case, then all criticism should be considered to have no significance. That is the logical conclusion of your position.

@Otakuman706 The exact mechanics of her ability to miss/friendly fire her teammates are not completely clear, so it is still possible for her to hit her teammates in those situations. Just the same way that the bees in this chapter had literally grabbed Hiroki but were still missing him, it would not be surprising if Luusha could still hit her teammates even in seemingly impossible ways.

Both otakuman and allen are missing my point. You say it's a moot point because it was obvious that Luusha was going to join the MC. I never said it was not obvious that she would join the MC. I think it was obvious too. Then why waste time by going through this plan that, at the very least, had significant and easy to see drawbacks? It's similar to how Hiroki continuously introduces himself as an "evasion healer" even though he should know the kind of reactions that it causes people, how they instinctively have prejudice against him. He doesn't need to lie, but Hiroki also doesn't need to say something that he should know triggers instant prejudice.

Both situations show this kind of weird at best, stupid at worst characterization of Hiroki. It looks like cheap writing because you wouldn't expect any realistic person to act this way, to be so shallow and not think more.
Double-page supporter
Jun 30, 2018

I actually read everything you're saying and I agree with you dude. The MC is dumb as fuck. I just read this to pass the time while waiting for my favs to get updated bc it's not 100% awful. Also what that other person said about you coming in with pitch forks or looking for a fight / jumping down people's throats didn't make sense considering the first person to @ you said "in case you haven't been paying attention" and that felt really passive aggressive the second I read it, in my opinion, so I get why you reacted the way you did. Plus they basically mansplained that shit to you lmao god.
I hate when people @ me for stupid shit too 🙃

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