Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku - Vol. 9 Ch. 65 - Face to Face

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 3, 2018
Thank you for your hard work. I just found this GEM on reddit and can't wait to read on next Thursday.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
She's the average in her school, so she took comfort that there is a school that is worse than her, which makes her elevated. This meeting kind of breaks her bubble and preconception.

Her preconception as in 'those from Chidori are delinquents good for nothing and I am better than them.'
yeah i know that but i meant what she doesn't understand aftermeeting them .The others seem to have blended well
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
See Y'all next Sunday.
You what they say, a little bit of alcohol, suddenly the next day.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
Hey there!
Gonna keep it short (I want to go sleep lmao).
Dailies are done for real now and not because SiKOi disappeared, but because we ended catching up with the raws!
From now on, as is said on the credit page (Although there's people who don't check those), we will be releasing the newest chapter every Sunday!
And that's all really, once again thanks you all for your support both to the manga and to us.
See you next Sunday, love you all!
o7 to y'all, I love every one of you beautiful people

Thanks for the translation~

I love how Usami and Madoka are just chatting like they've been best friends for years
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
what does she mean :unsure:
I think it's because they have been taught from early on that everyone from the Chidori school are a bunch of delinquents and evil, and now that she has met them she sees they are in fact not like that at all. Because of this her beliefs, what she thought was true is shaken, and that feeling can be quite scary. One reaction to this is to think that it would have been easier to not know that the guys are not delinquents, because the status quo would be upheld in her mind.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2023
Hey there!
Gonna keep it short (I want to go sleep lmao).
Dailies are done for real now and not because SiKOi disappeared, but because we ended catching up with the raws!
From now on, as is said on the credit page (Although there's people who don't check those), we will be releasing the newest chapter every Sunday!
And that's all really, once again thanks you all for your support both to the manga and to us.
See you next Sunday, love you all!
Thank you for the hardwork🙏
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2020
humu humu

man i love the guys so much, i end up speeding through the chapters they are in, so entertaining!
Double-page supporter
Feb 13, 2021
Going to be a long night working in the ship yard, but these two new ships will be lovely.
Yep I knew this was going to happen from the moment they decided to meet up blonde with the loud guy and the other girl with the strong dude!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 25, 2018
What's perplexing about this manga is that the author seems completely unwilling to change up their writing. It's like she operates in two modes only:
a.) fluff of cute girls doing cute girl things and loyal hardworking guys doing loyal hardworking guys things with some goofs.
b.) drama over a character being insecure about themselves or their perception of other people due to preassumptions.

And if the manga was just a.) that would be fine, we'd just have another horimya or something along those lines, yet the author feels like she just NEEDS to keep pushing b.) to add tension to the story, except she writes it near-identically every single time. You always get the exact same close-up of a character's tightly sealed lips to signal some sort of discomfort and 'keeping words pent up' into a cliffhanger and then into a resolution the next chapter when they just speak out their mind and everyone says its all good. And if you do this once or twice, it's fine, but this author just seems obsessed with doing it with every character ever in all settings as her only go-to method of injecting drama. It makes it come off as shallow and just a writing trick to retain engagement rather than something necessary for the story.

Like, lets be honest, we all know this will get dissolved nearly immediately. The girl will express frustration over her imposed sense of reality by the teachers being fake, which is just your typical culture shock of finding out you live in a bubble. The others will tell her its all good and that they can all still be friends and everyone will go on their merry way until the next drama is injected repeating the endless cycle.

This sort of repetition is perfectly fine with fluff, since fluff doesn't cause exhausting emotional swings in the audience. It's just curing monday blues. But drama has an emotional 'cost' for the audience and the more you do it, the less effective it becomes. Kaoru feels like it has gone waaaaay past the point of exhausting its dramatic 'reserve' and now it's hard to take the story seriously on any level.

It's a manga that had so much potential, but the author just seems unwilling to go out of her comfort zone and explore other avenues of narrative writing.

Just my two cents.
Aggregator gang
Mar 9, 2020
It's sad to see that the problem is not only the rumors people (Kikyo teachers, students, even maybe parents) have been spreading about Chidori but also Ayu herself.
Not saying she's a bad person for that but the helpless feeling she have right now, the fact she's bothered by Chidori's students not being mean, dumb, rude etc... it's about herself. I don't know why she feels so bad about it, but it must be difficult to feel so conflicted about the truth even when it's in front of you, it's really sad.

And the way they showed us how the 2 other Kikyo students who also were against Subaru and Kaoruko being friends with Chidori's students, are now little by little acknowledging the truth and starting to get comfortable is even more showing the issue of Ayu is coming from herself.

Honestly, if I was in front of her I would call her rude af and ask her to go home if that's how she's thinking about us lol, next time girl's gonna ask them why don't they have horns, don't spit fire, don't have blood all over their faces lmao
But more seriously, I hope she'll be able to understand more (to be less narrow-minded) and work on this part of herself.
Thanks for the translation!
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Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2018
When the reality comes crashing down.. :)
Cant wait for the next chapter
Aggregator gang
Mar 9, 2020
It feels lonely and disturbing when everything you were sure of end up being all lies and you're the only one of your friends being seriously concerned/bothered by it to the point you still can't accept it. She thinks she crossed a line that makes her now worse than the Chidori students even tho they're normal people in reality... She's too hard on herself, poor Ayu. Maybe she'll get something good out it, maybe she'll get more open minded!

Thank you for the translation!

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