I dunno about teaching your 5-year-old to call guys perverts...
P patlypus Member Joined Sep 9, 2020 Messages 175 Sep 15, 2020 #41 I dunno about teaching your 5-year-old to call guys perverts...
pinktealover Member Joined Sep 4, 2020 Messages 157 Jan 29, 2021 #42 @jak @tigerstar186 ikr, its so cute that he took the risk of being called pervert just to make sure that his wife and daughter are okay, awww
@jak @tigerstar186 ikr, its so cute that he took the risk of being called pervert just to make sure that his wife and daughter are okay, awww
O OnionLord777 Joined Jul 12, 2020 Messages 54 Feb 26, 2021 #43 you know my man is packin and getting some to not react that much to his naked wife it's also just possible that he wanted to set a good example for chi
you know my man is packin and getting some to not react that much to his naked wife it's also just possible that he wanted to set a good example for chi