It is. Roof Korean did not contact TSP for the chapter, which does make it a dick move see edit. You don’t own shit while scanlating, but you’re still fucking up people’s time and effort they already don’t have out of their life. What else, you probably fucked up the community too. Imagine if TSP decided to get over this and just ditch it, because “this sniper is already doing my job why bother”. Then Roof decided to also ditch this because he originally sniped it to fasten the release pace, not long-time commitment. Say goodbye to your manga (which you probably don’t even care about that much anyway).
If something already have translation, steady translation at that, why bother “sniping”? The only legit reason for sniping in my mind is to provide a better version than the main scanlator’s. The issue Tarage describes hurt A LOT of other fan communities, to the point they’re rotten in hell with no more quality fan-translation, editing, etc. because everyone just machine-translated it and call it a day. Obnoxious shit.
Then again, if you do care about the state of things maybe you would’ve given it a second thought.
EDIT: just saw that reddit link. Good thing he at least went and talk it out with TSP so it doesn’t look like the typical snipe-and-ditch troll effort. Thanks for the link.
Second note, notice how asking literally takes no effort and potentially let you have the series to scanlate. Snipers take note.