You're free to disagree with how we decide to translate things, as that is your prerogative.
We think making that misunderstanding as clear and exciting as in the original Japanese is more important than sitting readers down and explaining to them how the misunderstanding went, making the scene weaker from a writing standpoint. The fact that Takagi is talking about curry and pizza buns is not crucial information to the scene.
If you keep all of the original information of a scene, but it reads clunky whereas the original read fine, we don't think that is a proper translation.
Obviously, there are some things which you simply can't work around, and we have left them as-is before (to the anger of OTHER readers, so you see how we can never please anyone xD), but we do what we can to capture the soul of the original while still not going beyond the intent of individual lines, scenes, etc.
For this scene, the most important element was Nishikata thinking Takagi was asking if he liked her, so that had to be preserved and made easy to read no matter what. We originally tried something closer to the original, but it forced our beta readers to read back from the original question in order to fully understand what just happened, and we really like to avoid people backtracking in order to understand something.
However, since you already read the original in Japanese, I suppose you never have to worry about missing all these little details!