Chapter 1, Slide 6-7: light haired girl teasing about Kayama having girl smell
Chapter 2, Slide 10-12: light haired girl is Kayama's cousin named Chizuru Miyoshi
Why she brought that up then? Is she trolling him? Or does the author only have certain templates of characters being capable of drawing? And why does Chizuru not suffer a similar problem, being of the same family?
Chapter 3, Slide 10: the nose disappeared.
Chapter 2, Slide 23; Chapter 3.2, Slide 1: blonde guy is probably gay, so gay. Wall pounding and hug from behind are signs of the ultimate homo. But what I really wanted to mention is, why is he blonde? Only delinquents are blonde, I thought? Maybe the author is just terrible illustrator is what I'm going toward, because the guy is blonde, and Chizuru appears but maybe doesn't earlier, and the cover has the male Kayama with a huge distended shoulder. Also do not forgot that gravity went strangely sideways, though that may be "artritis license" And the nose disappeared. All big signs the author draws bad art or bad.
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