pretty wholesome and mature chapter - good job author
(ps it's weird how core to the human experience sex is, yet the depictions of it in most media are so ... i'm not going to say 'warped' because that sounds judge-y, but like ... divorced from reality? like people laugh during sex, or fart, or talk, or have kinks or whatever, yet all we're presented with is hyper sexy people drenched in body fluids 99% of the time -> point being, it's pretty rare to see scenes like this, where it feels somewhat true to real life)
I think the reason why depictions of sex are so often hyper-idealised or just simply unreal, is because sex as a human experience is extremely physically and emotionally vulnerable. We prefer to see it in the idealised form that doesn't remind us of that vulnerability, and lets us indulge in the fantasy of it without taking on the fumbling and embarrassment and all the risks exposing yourself, testing boundaries and
performing requires us to take on. Even here, the sex was skipped out, and the buildup was extremely unrealistic. No unspoken push and pull of limits, no glossing over your partner's imperfections while trying to hide your own, no trembling foreplay while you fight your adrenaline, no putting up with uncomfortable positions because you don't want to let go, et cetera. Here we have clearly spoken desires and intents, which is not at all like regular sex, particularly with someone for the first time, with whom you are taking risks by speaking your desires. Plus, none of this chapter even got to how sex is actually a fun activity, and an intensely physical one, not just a rote manoeuvre with emotional baggage.
All that to say, I think it's to be expected that sex is depicted in ways that don't focus on our human vulnerabilities. It's not necessarily because of pornography, but because confronting how vulnerable sex makes us shatters the illusion that sex gives us.