@whocares 😍😍😍
@xsweetmex where I come from, a pen is a good gift, especially for the professions: student, teacher, professor and the like. When I was a student, I brought many to gift teachers and my parents (who were profs), and many fancy pen were available at the gift shop for this purpose alone. Whenever I received a pen as an award or present, I was always SUPER DUPER HAPPY, cuz I loved to write 🥰
And you clearly don’t know how expensive a good (fancy) pen can be! And the line he used, just made it the best present ever- “ I liked how pretty it was, reminded me of you!” - THE BEST!🤩
He’s seriously the best guy ever! The way he blushed and his happy expressions!😍
He was so helpful to others! Even though he was getting late himself- to his most awaited date!
Too adorable 😍😍😍