Are we just gonna ignore that Lady Inari was about to just commit a genocide on the scale of the Final Solution because she got pissed off? Damn...
On the other hand, living in a Tanuki village sounds fun if you get to play with animals every day.
Also Mihai having the same voice as Jotaro is gonna be funny. He's the same one I want for Tadashi Kiritsu if Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru ever gets an anime
Honestly, it's impressive and unsettling that the lives of every single person in that city are dangling by Nobimaru pressing the right buttons when speaking. He is pretty much defusing a bomb every week while that bomb becomes stronger and more deranged.
Oh I think I finally get what body part Inaris Kalculus is. It looks two halves of a ribcage + a humerus each... Was it that obvious before? I feel a little stupid now