@greyhud90 So can we just agree to disagree and carry on with our lives instead? Arguing against you isn't fun.
@Bramia Bring it on
What's ridiculous is that someone who's called a magician would disregard such an elementary concept like knowledge = power in regards to magic.
The point that you are making is valid but again, it relies on a "what if" situation.
From my perspective, this is a "What if they never thought about the process" scenario. My evidence? This world has not made any advancements in science.
From your perspective, this is a "What if they used their brain for once? This world building is trash for not even considering that likely situation"
Is also justified by the same evidence I present. Um...
As we both agreed on already, every human here has the ability to create anything just by focusing on it, and what they don't understand of the process is made up for with magical power
What's ridiculous is that someone who's called a magician would disregard such an elementary concept like knowledge = power in regards to magic.
Oh... um...
You gave the example of herbs to explain them not paying attention to those "details"... But it's actually completely different. Unlike with herbs or chemistry, the result is the same given the same conditions... But for magic, this is different. Not because they chant the same words they will cast the same magic
Wait, no. Hold on...
If the user doesn't understand what he's doing, he can't use magic. It doesn't make sense that a world where they are advanced enough to openly teach magic and even greet people from all social echelons (which means they've had tons of magicians around for many years) hasn't struck on what makes magic strong
No! Stop! AAAAAA!!!!
Oh dear you have a good argument... this is gonna be a though one. Um... Let me break it down a bit.
It doesn't make sense that a world where they are advanced enough to openly teach magic and even greet people from all social echelons (which means they've had tons of magicians around for many years) hasn't struck on what makes magic strong
1. I'm pretty sure a form of education system will evolve naturally whenever a human civilization exists.
Plus one for good worldbuilding.
2. By what you mean of "strong magic" is very general and not specific. This manga iterates that there are multiple kinds of "strength": strength in function (enchanted farming tools), strength in combat (strong weapons and armor), or even revolutionary magic (teleportation and communication). The previous examples has been taken from elements explicitly introduced to the audience in the manga. These magic also came from people with the mindset of "results only, no process" which proves that "strong magic" can come without a complete understanding of the natural world and MC has proven that he is able to outperform these "strengths" simply by imagination and advanced understandings alone.
Another plus one on good worldbuilding.
3. Your point of "why don't they just use their brains" is a two-sided coin, as I said in the beginning. My evidence is not only based on this manga, but based on real-life examples of our world (it takes over 4000 years for science to even take baby steps) meanwhile your side has only this manga (everyone is dumb). Statistically, I have two evidence against your one, and I share one of mine with yours.
Unlike with herbs or chemistry, the result is the same given the same conditions... But for magic, this is different. Not because they chant the same words they will cast the same magic.
4. At first glance, it seems as you are correct. However, by "condition" don't you think that, "I SUMMON THE WRATH OF THE GODS TO RAIN FIRE UPON YOU!!!"
smol fireball appears is enough to be considered a condition? This world's magic seem to respond to the willpower and desired intentions and only recently that MC discovers that it also responds to specific, micro-managements as well such as "gather oxygen, spark a flame, blow wind towards that direction"
hellfire spawns. Doesn't that suffice your requirements? It certainly suffices mine of "process makes magic stronger".
I'd give myself a plus two for good worldbuilding: one for elaborating and another for further proving one of my previous hypothesis regarding the worldbuilding itself.
And about his age... His past self doesn't matter? That guy was alive during ~40 years. Regardless of what his body looks like, that's an undeniable truth and that's his age. He's a pedophile.
Here's Google's definition of 'pedophilia': "sexual feelings directed toward children."
And so here is the million dollar question - is she a child?
I don't know... Hey Google! Can children marry?
"While most states set 18 as the minimum marriage age, exceptions in every state allow children younger than 18 to marry, typically with parental consent or judicial approval. ... Laws in 27 states do not specify an age below which a child cannot marry."
O_O Oh, um, thx?
Long story short, if the girl is allowed to be married by her parents and that she is a noble (if she acts taboo, she's gonna probably get stoned for it) then she is no longer a child but rather a teenager or even a young adult by the standards of this country in this world.
And one more for good worldbuilding. I think the right term that you are looking for is 'age gap romance'.
Phew. This took me an hour to reconsider over and over again
about my life decisions to make a good argument. There you have it.