Kikori no Isekai Tan - Ch. 6

Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2020
levellllll up! holy shit mc just felled a tree with one strike while only using one hand our boy is getting strong. Not to mention it looks like he bashed one of the goblin's heads in with just his hands/shield
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Oh hey, he's dealing with a mage and warrior goblin combo instead of mob goblins, I guess. I was confused for a moment and wondered if this was leveling up or something, but the small goblin is holding a staff and appears to have used some lightning/paralysis spell.
Again, just like against the orc, he shouldn't be surviving these situations just by willing his way out of it. Maybe this time a patrol of adventurers will rescue him?
In any case, solo adventuring in these conditions is absurd; he's constantly outnumbered and monsters are sneak attacking him due to his lacking detection skill.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2023
"I'm still so weak" he says as he knocks down a mid sized tree with one swing.
I like this kid. He's good, this manga is good.
Group Leader
May 13, 2020
Dude can't have a moment to enjoy the glory, getting beaten :qq: in every hunt as if reminding him not to get complacent.
Aggregator gang
Feb 23, 2024
It's weird how serious/grounded the author is trying to make this setting and then have the MC ignore common safety standards by adventuring alone.l or having armor with gaps.
In truth, every historical armor had gaps (mainly at the joints), that could be exploited, but you're right that what he has is just borderline non-functioning. He has some sort of plate on his chest, which is good, since it's the biggest targer, but it terminates far too low, so a good portion is still uncovered, the design itself is jus weird, the way it connects so low with the oversized pauldrons. Even worse, his entire midriff is exposed, the second biggest target, scratch that, with the short opponents he's been fighting, belly shots would be more expected that going for the chest...
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
Yeah, the logic of ths story has me frequently rolling my eyes. "Head armor" that leaves the top of his head exposed? Hell, I could excuse the entirety of his face, since there were historical open-faced helmets, but at this point, it's a glorified bandana.
Actually... Those things have their purpose, and they actually work against inadverted grazes and light blows.
You usually use them with a hardened leather or iron skullcap/hat though, to have that little bit of extra security against grazes.

And no, it wouldn't work against a full-force blow to the head. Nor would an actual helmet.
Concussive force, aptly named.... And if your brain doesn't get scrambled, don't forget most people do not have the neck muscles of a F1 driver and will sprain their neck at least when receiving a full force blow against even a proper helmet if the padding isn't the proper type...
In that sense the waifu-not-waifu he's staying at is right: If you let the enemy have at your head, you're fucked anyway.

It's about as effective as a chainmail coif over padding when it comes to protecting you from combat head trauma, and weighs far less and is cheaper.
When it comes to the eternal efficiency/mobility/protection conundrum regarding armor, it's not a bad choice for a low-budget situation like the MC is in.

Where the author/mangaka really goofed up is the shield.... It's a glorified buckler, completely unsuited for the type of armour and weapons the MC uses.
To be effective he'd need a heater or medium kite shield. The little dish he uses is next to useless against the opponent's weapons that have been shown, unless you're really well trained. Which our MC isn't.....
I chalk that one up to the fantasy/gaming trope of "big shield = tank", which is quite...... silly...

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