It's only illegal / punishable if you get caught, even more so in medieval / feudal society. It was illegal for peasants to hunt on the lord's land, but did they get punished often? Nope, since there usually wasn't anyone patrolling the kilometers of forest. At most a fellow peasant might try to report if you didn't share.It's been picking at me, so I'll point it out, as it's not only a nitpick here but in other fantasy too;
They'd probably be fined for destroying trees like that. It's somewhat understandable in a demon forest, but wood is still wood, especially if it's old-growth. From construction, tools, weapons, or just necessities like fire, that wood still has a value. there could be the off chance it's soft wood like Tree of Heaven, but even soft wood has some type of value;
There actually were foresters that were charged with patrolling woods for poachers. Did they catch any? Sure, though probably not often on the spot. The thing is, most poachers were amateurs who left clear signs of their activity (like carcasses) near the place they lived, so upon discovering those, all he had to do is visit the nearby village and intimidate the peasants to give up the offender, which worked unless there was a famine.It's only illegal / punishable if you get caught, even more so in medieval / feudal society. It was illegal for peasants to hunt on the lord's land, but did they get punished often? Nope, since there usually wasn't anyone patrolling the kilometers of forest. At most a fellow peasant might try to report if you didn't share.
Now for isekai based on jrpgs game systems, I doubt authors even consider interactions like this anyways, since they just assume you'll accept the jrpg premise that somehow there's guilds (that don't function like historical guilds), an economy based on monster-slaying, and deadly magical weapons that are only used against monster.
Even trying to equate it with gil (FF14), made me think he was getting ripped off lolThat they use yen as currency in this world trips me up somewhat seriously...
I don't think anyone in power cares. Collateral damage is a given in fights anyways, and monsters can destroy trees without human intervention. They have no way to prove anything either.It's been picking at me, so I'll point it out, as it's not only a nitpick here but in other fantasy too;
They'd probably be fined for destroying trees like that. It's somewhat understandable in a demon forest, but wood is still wood, especially if it's old-growth. From construction, tools, weapons, or just necessities like fire, that wood still has a value. there could be the off chance it's soft wood like Tree of Heaven, but even soft wood has some type of value;