"But they're immortal, so it's not a problem."
It really is.Oh my god, a pick your own adventure styled chapter, god this looks so fun
I like how getting munched by a mimic with her butt sticking out can very soon lead to getting stuck in a wall with her butt sticking out.Lots of butt shots.
I didn't even try lmao. Scrolling back and forth is too much pain. If it's printed, I'd give it a try for sure. I love how the author can implement many silly ideas over his build world. Loop waterfall, vampire, now a game. The only mangas I saw did this was shinchan and doraemon.Praise Ta-Boy. Also while fun in concept, I never gelled well with choose your own adventure books. I did go through at least half of this proper...then decided to read from start to finish once I had most of the pieces together. Cheating? Yes. Did I still enjoy it? Also yes.