Killing Me / Killing You

Jun 29, 2019
Man, love this manga
Almost every side character feels like they could have their own story (and they basically do) so the MCs end up being more the comedy duo or narrators, but they’re still a great duo and the chapters where it’s just them are great too. The manga has a good episodic feel to it.
The episodic-adventure-to-adventure feel that it has and the gore mixed with exotic alien life gives me made in abyss vibes, although this one is a lil more light hearted with the funny man straight man duo at the center of it all.
This is a great series, I love the art, the world building, the pacing, and everything else. I’m not sure if the mangaka will pull the storytelling off in the long term, so imma hold back a lil bit, but this is a solid 8.5/10

Thank you for coming to my TED talk 😐
Sep 29, 2020
Yeah, this manga really puts a spotlight on the side character backstories which really can get you the feels when realizing, literally everyone ever has a story just like you.
Jun 29, 2019
@PortalSage yep, it's making the world feel real, their stories are there, and to be honest, im by far more curious about them than about what is happening under that cone-shaped-mask?
Feb 7, 2018
At first I was incredulous that their world could've changed so much in only 1 year after the meteor falling. It seemed like way more time had passed, since people seem to be used to the way things are now.

But then I remembered 2020. 10/10, very realistic.
Active member
Oct 22, 2018
@xplorer1958 I just assumed from Chapter 10 they mean its only been a year since they’ve been traveling together. I thought it was established that the meteorites having been falling for a long time? Since the dragon Cielo was once a simple lizard and said himself that the meteorite occurrence happens every couple of years. We don’t have an established timeline for how long the world has been changed by the meteorite we just know its been a VERY long time.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2023
Bought and read the raw for vol 5. In case anyone is worried, it’s not one of those endings that betray the rest of the story. It was a properly done ending to a good series.

They didn’t die (at least not depicted or explicitly hinted

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