Kimi no Love o Misetekure! - Vol. 2 Ch. 8.5

Aggregator gang
Apr 14, 2019
I don't give a shit about sniping. If you provide a better translation, I'll read it by preference and ignore a markedly inferior translation if its flaws are egregious enough, but neither of you has any kind of moral high-ground over the other. I'd respect you more if you just mocked the the other guy for posting suck-ass translation work.
Jan 1, 2019
Generally speaking, I prefer to wait for a better translation. That said, your translation of this chapter doesn't seem markedly better than theirs. The word choice and overall feel is more or less the same. Your cleaning and redrawing is better, but theirs is good enough that I wouldn't notice if I weren't directly comparing it to yours. No disrespect, I know it's a lot of work, but I can't fault them for wanting to pick it up and catch up to the raws when they can release a chapter every week instead of every two months.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
I used to fansub and the group I was in didn't do speed subbing, we waited until we had it right, so I very much prefer to wait for your release and a quality release to read. I can tell you that my group had plenty of fans that waited patiently for our releases instead of grabbing the speedier ones, for that same reason. There's going to be plenty of readers that will prefer to wait for your release over the speedier, but lower quality ones.
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
I don't mind waiting for quality, i rather have good quality scan than more faster release
Sep 4, 2024
I think sniping the series was a dick move and that Overthink should’ve just asked to do it. But, I assume because of how many other projects you’re doing (which I also assume you’re giving the same quality as this one) and how it seems like you’re prioritizing those over this, you guys take a while to translate this series so I think you should let Overthink have this one. I understand that this series isn’t very popular so I appreciate that you’ve been translating it at all, but I personally don’t want to wait months to read chapters that other groups can translate (to good enough quality for me) in weeks. That’s just how I see it though, I just want more of this series translated.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
With this story and any other with a slow enough plot like this one, I'll willingly wait for volume scans/text translations which had a proper QC.

If this were instead a case where your team were overwhelmed with many series then I'd understand if you wanted to relinquish it to another group. As a reader on this site (no money spent) I understand you can't have all series you read "on time all the time". Other readers should learn to make do with what scanlators can offer you and respect that and if you can't then pay the official sources (Just like in the old times and good luck with that for lower popularity manga)
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2019
If I can wait for Bloodborne on PC, I can wait for a quality release. People need to stop slurping up sloppy shit and get some actual standards.
Active member
Mar 17, 2023
as a person who rarely reads stuff in ongoing, I really appreciate the high quality translation that you guys are making

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