But none of those scenes has him saying he’s over her? Wouldn’t him being in love with BOTH be the perfect reason for him to happily join a poly relationship with both? During the scene where they initially agree to it both him and Fushimi happily agree, with neither one of them seeming to be disappointed that it’s a throuple, if anything they seem super stoked at the prospect. He definitely still liked Fushimi romantically and they both have a huge amount of respect and admiration for eachother, and with recent developments it’s clear Fushimi is starting to view him romantically as well.
You’re making it sound like they got dragged into it kicking and screaming, but they both clearly saw it as a win-win situation
I see what you’re trying to say but like I said it was ‘implied’ he moved on.
The reason I’m saying this is because he’s not shown any active romantic love for fushimi.
On top of that he has been trying to get over his feelings for a while so it doesn’t make sense for him to rope fushimi into this threesome.
Context for this is he literally calls fushimi a friend or a manga reader as if to disassociate himself from her and his previous feelings for her.
It’s not that he doesn’t like her as a person or that he doesn’t especially initially have feelings for her but you can see him putting in an effort to get past those feelings and build a friendship.
I will admit though I’d forgotten chapter 34 when I wrote the previous post but I would counter to say it adds to the point that the threesome doesn’t make sense for him as a character.
If he wanting to move on from fushimi gets together with fushimi it undermines his feelings for writer girl and his attempts of atleast starting fresh with her.
Chapter 34 adds to this by him stating why he still feels this way. Implying he very deliberately is trying to put down his feelings even after the polyamory…which just further proves that the threesome wasn’t something he as a character would logically agree to.
Obviously no one’s kicking and screaming thats a bad comparison cause my point was how the author forced the relationship to go through with itself even though their wasn’t the proper groundwork for it to work.
To add to this in my previous post I clarified why this doesn’t matter because both him and writer girl have a clear affection for each other greater than fushimi. It doesn’t make sense for atleast one of them not to be against it to a certain degree. (Especially when kurasawa is trying to move on from fushimi)
I get writer girl may feel she can’t write properly without observing romance from afar but that goes back to my point of how forced the threesome is.
With this problem probably being solveable if she had him roleplay with others, observe other couples, or pair kurasawa with anyone besides fushimi. (Plus she doesn’t even know she’s gay so is she just agreeing to romance with fushimi without fully considering the ramifications of doing so)
Plus, its just weird for her to not atleast think about this for a second.
Fushimi’s desperate I can excuse that but Kurasawa and writer girl never thought how poly might affect them until after?
As for the fushimi slowly liking him romantically. I can agree that the author was building up a friendship between them both. However, she hasn’t liked him is the thing and even the stuff she does like about him are mainly qualities that writer girl has. If their were a lot more unique aspects there I could understand as much.
Too add to this Fushimi as a character is underdeveloped. Her main trait is yandere lesbism which every other female except ojou-sama and her maid (best girls) have. She is grounded more by kurosawa when she’s with him but they never get the time to address her in any meaningful way.
Yes she has her music but theirs very few moments of it and we don’t see really how it affects her as a character too much besides she’s doing it for writer girl with kurosawa’s help every 10 chapters or so for one page or two. I’m sure maybe this will be more important to her in the future but right now it’s a footnote to her main characterization in the series with it only coming back for a hug of all things and some random concert we never heard of prior to this.
Besides that she’s either:
a) Lusting for writer girl
b) Making both of them jealous and forcing polyamory into the story
c) Complimenting Kurosawa for the umpteenth time on his manga and then getting his help.
Honestly my main problem with her is she is a plot device who could be replaced by the yandere childhood friend or sister or literally any other character but because the author chose her she’s here.
On top of that Kurosawa’s love for as he says was do to her looks…NOTHING else. It has never even been implied that he likes her for her attitude or anything. And he never even thinks so. Like I said previously affection from attractiveness starts a relationship but doesn’t maintain it. So unless something changes it kinda undermines the relationship between the two.
It’s why I want more interactions between them because kurasawa has shown 0 affection in all his previous interactions except 34 but that was due to fushimi hugging him without asking beforehand again.
Which leads me to another reason why I feel like fushimi is a plot device. The hugs are so unnecessary and disrespectful to both of their personal space. Sure you can say their lovers but its only been a week of dating her and two weeks that they’ve known her max. So it just leads to the hugs feeling forced at worst or kinda in poor taste at worst.
Either way like I said Kurosawa has no reason to except the threesome regardless. As he’s got no reason to want to be in a relationship with fushimi when he can move on with writer girl.