Kimi no Okaasan wo Boku ni Kudasai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Oct 14, 2019

No problem.

I honestly think the translators could have done a better job at picking their phrasing here. When you translate something from Japanese kanji to English I feel like you can often lose a lot of the intent. Looking again at the English translation of that panel, the stupidity of Ryo's statement definitely isn't as apparent as it is when you read it in Japanese. I mean, the English version here says, "and even your child, it matters not to me!"

Which first off, is fucking incredibly awkward, and secondly, doesn't really convey to the reader how badly Ryo is fucking up. English users are used to different cues in comics. Like, if I was editing this I would have put it in a bold font with some roughness to it and translated it as, "Your kid doesn't matter!". That contrasted with the dead fish look is Tachibana's eyes would convey the point I think.

On one level you might think that it'd be expected for readers to be able to read the nuance from the situation by thinking about it a bit, but in practice I find that most people do not bother thinking about stuff at all, so that's why comics tend to provide not-so-subtle hints as to what is going on with visuals and font choices and the such. This is kind of another cultural difference between Japanese manga and Western comics. Kanji carries a lot more meaning than just the spoken words, and that doesn't always come across in translation.

I need to stop rambling! I just find this topic really interesting and I'm glad you did too.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2018
@jjm152 whoa thanks for the explanation! That's why I was so confused last chapter, the words and the expressions didn't really match.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
It feels like the first chapter just gave a straight punch in the gut that utterly destroy your internal organs. And then, the mangaka throw the second chapter filled with warm scene to heal it.

Really, the MC still have to learn more and look at the reality. Love alone is not gonna enough for her. He may love her smile, but that love alone not gonna keep her family afloat.
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2019
Ughh you may love her but she still rejected you.....She couldn’t see your potential and giving you a he’ll maybe she isn’t afraid of spiders and was hooking you in .....idk it will be better if they just be friends and he uno reverse her lines if she ever fell for him....I know it’s a bitter way and he would lose a chance but she closed the door first why should she have pity?
Aggregator gang
Apr 9, 2018
This is interesting so far. The kid is better off forgetting about her though, they are in two different places in life.
Aggregator gang
Oct 27, 2018
what is all this "see potential" shit lol. If people are in the same place in life initially and you bet on their success is one thing. however, if you a grown ass adult with a mortgage no amount of "potential" gonna pay dem bills. Can i cash dreams, can I eat hopes. HAHA.
Sep 5, 2020
Why people keep complaining that he should give up I mean one of the main point of this manga is the romance and if we remove that this is just a NAKAMA MANGA but well even though I say that I actually can't relate to him either
Mar 31, 2018
well.... if it is realistic... the guy should get the fuck out, she is a single mon, so that is a no from the start, i'm talking about a brazilian pespective, because i had a single mon before and her child was fucking awesome... but dude, the moment she noticed that the little girl liked me she became a bitch kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk japan is special and in this history is super diferent...

but guys... never date a single mon, never... only if you have a child to.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
I can see a lot of people don't really understand this manga. There is a reason why the coworkers keep trying to dissuade Ishizuka from confessing to Tachibana and it might not be apparent to people who are non-Japanese, but it's very clear to everyone around them that things such as age and status do not match. Ishizuka is very romantic for a Japanese man, he even bemoans something to the effect of "is love not enough?" and while that may resonate with western audiences, it's intended to come off as immature in this context.

The turning point in Ryo's confession seems to be the thing that most people are not understanding or did not catch. Please go re-read it again. He is doing, relatively well, or at least not facing a huge wall of resistance until after he mentions Yuzuki-sans child. The way he brings it up is pretty much the most horrible way to do so. He literally says in Japanese "子供も関係ない" which translates to "Kids don't matter".

Uh... not the smartest thing to say to a single mom. Just look at that panel and the look on her face when he says it. It's like he threw a gallon of cold water over her. Basically, the dude was doing alright until he unintentionally tipped his hand and showed Yuzuki how non-seriously he was taking this proposal of his to "date with the intention of getting married".

Also, before anyone tries to defend this guy by saying it was a slip of the tongue or that he didn't mean it that way - it's literally written in kanji that he totally did mean that kids don't matter. There's very little ambiguity in that sentence.

Anyway, point being, he set his hopes on fire with that one statement. Pretty much anything lame like "I love kids!" or something would have worked better for him.

Honestly, the entire setup is just very, very Japanese. It reminds me a lot of a very 80's coming of age type mens romance, like Maison Ikkoku. Hell, except for the addition of the child to the plot, the set up is almost exactly the same. I think it's pretty good. I hope it lives up to the epicness of some of those 80's/90's mature romance manga. There is a lot of potential here. Hell, I can pretty much predict how this manga is going to go and I'm looking forward to seeing it because it's been damn near 20 years since the last time I saw a good one pulled off.

Hats off to the mangaka and I'm going to go look for more raws now...

I agree and at the same time disagree.
I think that, if Yuzuki reacted to hearing that her child doesn't matter is for a more different practical reason, one that she herself stated immediately.
Yes, yes, there's all that cultural japanese thing, I know, but also I don't think it's "about that".
Ryo isn't asking to a simple relationship, she as asking to got directly to living together and this is a series deal that involves more than two people just residing on the same house. What he was asking was to form a family, and building a family involves a lot of responsibilities and he wasn't thinking about any. Ryo is just too innocent and naive, he has not idea what he is really asking from her.

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