I think the setting has more potential than Kenichi.
Kenichi just kept getting wound up in shit and was forced to train and get stronger and stronger.
Here they're setting up the underground aspect of the world and it seems like it'll be global in scale as well. I feel like they have the potential to do a lot with the action setups here in comparison to Kenichi. Main girl's also better.
Students are being attacked by an assassin from an Evil Organization, but I guess Iceman has better things to be doing? Weird. And why’s main girl staying outside the car? Surely she has a reason, but I would have appreciated a hint about it.
@toastedguy I'm enjoying it more than Kenichi. Its hardly a new setting but secret agents have been out of vogue for a while now, especially in manga, and its a pretty good take on it. Plus it seems like the author is planning things out a bit more, which is nice.