After this chapter, the story can be boring if the author cant gets it right. Chapter 10 is like a climax that I don't think the next arc will have the same impact.
@polki6787 it flop real hard, harder than your pizza falling from your hands to the floor
the best climax is only this manga chapter 10, thats it.
It goes 0 to 100 quick
then 100 to 0 faster
Chapter 10 was really impactful. Great character moments for the MC as well as the supporting cast. Hopefully the author can keep up this high level of writing.
Ln/wn it becomes very generic. Mom and dad come running after him to get him to come home. Everyone was worried they were too hard on him. Fiance only acted that way out of tough love. The childhood friend guy missed his buddy when they were kids and wanted the MC to stop being so sad. The demon king has a stalker yandere angel best girl. MC gets a stalker yandere ninja best girl.
Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
@Polki6787 Dont listen to that guy the story gets quite intresting now onwards and there is actual proper char and world building so dont worry its good!