Double-page supporter
Nov 2, 2018
@Glomoro its called basic survival in a situation thats gone to hell. You think I'd sit in a class room and do nothing for 3-5 days ? But yes there is things I didnt mention, that I would have to do but probably couldnt do it.. example., if I get bitten on the arm, Then I know I have to cut it off, amputate. Thats cazy as fuck. I'd probably passout trying to cut it off . Thats even if I could go through with it and finding something to make it a clean cut would be difficult. What you said is nothing compared to doing something like that. Thats the hardcore shit. So no, what I said isnt cause I am safe. Its the basic shit you have to do to survive. The MC in this has done nothing.. N O T H I N G. Thats what has annoyed people. He hasnt even scouted anything. Tried sneaking around. Finding out what state the school is in. Sitting in classroom for 3-5 days then realizing hes starting to starve... Hell 3 days without water puts you in the danger zone of dehydration. He couldnt think that through.

Even when saved by the 2 girls, he acts pussy as fuck and has been complaining. The saving grace for me in this series,. is the girls know hes trash. But I guess have realized they could need a male in the future depending on how things pan out. They arent scum enough to leave him to die when he brings nothing to the table except having a penis. Chapter 2 sorta hints why they are supplying him food at their own cost.

But I suppose you could say I had 30 years of living, and hes had 16 ? 17 ? But still... nothing ? and his poor trash attitude ?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
You're kind of ignoring most of what I said in favor of reiterating and expanding on what I was already replying to, I guess? How someone actually reacts to situations and how they expect they'd react while they're outside of that moment are not necessarily one and the same. Someone who underwent training for combat could still end up a quivering mess when a combat situation arises, for instance. "I'll do what I need to do when zombies show up" is nothing but hot air until zombies actually show up, and the person saying that actually does what they need to do. Hell, even someone who's killed living humans before might unexpectedly find themselves in a panic and become ineffective with something like zombies.
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
All in all, going from the premise of "Zombies are immortal, self-regenerating and moving" to "Woohoo! Free electricity!" is pretty smart.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2019
@MangaField Lmao wathca gettin salty for? U gettin connected with this whiney-ass loser on spiritual level or smthin? Does watching him get shit-talked feel like ur the one getting dissed? "pEopLe LiKe yOu oFtEN ArE prOjEctiNg" read ur own comment retard. Don't project urself onto the MC if ur a frail lil snowflake.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2019
@Glomoro I completely agree with you. Different people react differently, heck there might be a necrophile jumping in joy or a dude who dies due to a heart attack or some die-hard Bear Grills incarnate who tries to live on by feeding on some zombie meat. What we have here is an MC who is quite realistic. But we are not here to read those real-life scenarios, we don't wanna read about some spineless loser. We are here to read about an absolute chad or at least an interesting character making a living in this apocalypse. I'm not saying that a realistic MC would be bad, but here it's just making it hard to read due to the other characters being super unrealistic. The problem is not entirely with the MC, he was just tossed into the wrong manga.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Cursed_death Quote from my other post in this thread
Now, If a lot of us wanna say we'd prefer a more badass male lead since this is fiction anyway, that's another thing and I can get behind it. I'm not necessarily looking to read a zombie apocalypse story to see people acting sort of realistically like the random civilians raised in peace times that they are. These girls that are essentially crazy for having adapted as quickly as they have and for coming up with the current plan they have for going forward are honestly more interesting to watch so far than the male lead, but let's give him a little time of actually being on screen to adapt before we write him off. Five days or whatever it was of "before the story even started" stuff isn't really the point. How things go in the next handful of chapters should be more important.

There's like two chapters right now, and he hasn't been in a situation where he had to get over his fears or die yet. It sounded like it was winding up for his trial by fire to happen. I'm gonna see what happens there before I pass my judgement on him.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019
I like the overall plan. At least someone tries to make use of the concept of zombies as undying unsleeping creatures in this way. It's still super farfetched and too manga-like because the girls are just absurdly strong among other things but that's fine. People complain about 'beta' mc's when those are the type that usually end up the strongest in these types of series. I'm pretty sure he'll be molded properly but either way he's clearly the most sensible here and represent any normal person so I had no problem with his weak-minded nature. At the end of the day it's just ecchi trash so it likely won't do much for your brain but your dick sure as hell will thank you.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@Hamin The concept doesn't have a lot of potential. I've only read chapter 1 and I'm not planning to read the rest but where is the story gonna go? You'll need to introduce a lot, and I mean a lot, of characters in order to get a stale concept rolling, like in Overlord where the concept is literally "OP MC takes over the world" but it was written well hence why it's awesome.

The thing about writing a stale concept well... is that it's very, very easy to ruin it and super risky. Looking at the ratings, I think the author fell into this pitfall. If the intro is bad then the remaining story is most likely trash as well.

Plus I disagree with "this is just ecchi trash". Even ecchi and smut have good and bad. This is just ecchi for the sake of ecchi which doesn't add anything to the series other than attract horny preteens. It's the same as adding gore for the sake of shock value - dumb and cheap. Don't compare this series with actually-good ecchi mangas and animes.


Active member
Jan 18, 2018
I haven't read a zombie Manga for a while... let alone see one
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019
@DANDAN_THE_DANDAN m8, no one is expecting anything out of this series. But what I personally meant by liking the concept is that zombies are overdone and saturated so I'll ride along with a series that will take the science-fiction aspect to the extreme and pull some meme zombie army shit like what this is attempting under some high school genius wannabe.

Ecchi trash means a series that is both ecchi and bad. Ecchi trash does not mean all series that are ecchi are bad. I can think of many series that have heavy ecchi and are still great because ecchi is not the main focus(Yuusha ga shinda) just as much as I can think of series that use heavy ecchi and are plain shit (fairy tail). I'm well aware of the distinction and did not mean to have you under the impression I was placing all ecchi under one category.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 12, 2018
At least the trash MC in this is being treated as trash, instead of somehow having a ton of beautiful women fawn all over him.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 22, 2018
If the MC was going to be more 'realistic', it'd be nice if he was more cautious of both zombies and more suspicious of the girls and questioning their strength knowing to be that strong would have made them world-famous before the zombie outbreak and why they obviously hid it. Even him being aware of perpetually depending on them too much.

He just seems more like "uwaaa" state too much. The card game could have shown the MC how dangerous it would be to try to outsmart them, again showing how much of a threat they are to MC. But it seems the author doesn't care to try that hard.

Highschool of the Dead had plenty of moments where it went deeper with the characters. Showing them using their intelligence and wit to plan their next move. Here it seems more surface level which is a bit disappointing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Weak MC that is dominated by the female leads. Not my cup of tea.

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