Kingdom - Vol. 69 Ch. 751 - One Second Difference

Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020
Yeah, we would. We wouldn't have necessarily discovered them in the exact same time or order, but for every invention whose discovery was the result of military spending, there are uncountable others that were missed because their would-be discoverer died a pointless death.
That's like watching a movie, then saying "if character A wasn't there, the ending would've still been the same". It's outrageously stupid way of thinking to the point where I think you're trolling me. If so, you did a good job, as I laughed.
"Pointless" and "inevitable" are not antonyms. The fact that tragedies have happened, and will happen again, is not a reason to glorify tragedies.
People glorify tragedies all the time for various reasons. Acting like a goody-two-shoes won't help your cause. It will only make you look naive.
An easy thought to have when you aren't bleeding to the death in the mud surrounded by the corpses of everyone you've ever known.
Does acting like a saint make you feel good or something? In fact you haven't realized, people hate preachers of any kind, especially when they act like wise men, when they're fools spouting the most common beliefs.
May 1, 2018
That's like watching a movie, then saying "if character A wasn't there, the ending would've still been the same".
No, that's a fucking stupid argument. The laws of physics aren't like a fucking movie; people discover new things every day even in peacetime, because we're still living in the same goddamn universe. The absence of military spending at one particular instant doesn't permanently lock humanity out of certain branches of science, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
People glorify tragedies all the time for various reasons.
And what's your point? "Things can't be bad if multiple people do it?"
Acting like a goody-two-shoes won't help your cause.
Does acting like a saint make you feel good or something?
"War isn't a good thing" qualifies me for sainthood now? Fuck, the bar is low when self-righteous, hypocritical idiots like you are setting it.
It will only make you look naive.
You literally just compared scientific advancement to a movie script. One of us is naive, but it ain't me.
In fact you haven't realized, people hate preachers of any kind
I'm an atheist, dumbass. But it's not fucking "preaching" to say "war is a bad thing, quit fetishizing it like some kind of literal fucking fascist."

Thank god for the block button, so I don't have to hear brain-dead takes like these every time you feel the need to necro a month-old thread.
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020
No, that's a fucking stupid argument. The laws of physics aren't like a fucking movie; people discover new things every day even in peacetime, because we're still living in the same goddamn universe. The absence of military spending at one particular instant doesn't permanently lock humanity out of certain branches of science, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Hoo, so you're only focused on the modern era, while I'm focused on human societies as a whole. And in fact, it's not so stupid as you think it is. If a country doesn't focus on wars, it will be easily conquered by its neighbors. And there's a high possibility of the cities being destroyed with its discoveries in tomes, like what happened in history. You do realize the techs we're using now are based from military technologies, right?
I'm saying it is what it is. Stop trying to be edgy, stupid. Calling arguments as fallacious is overused by pseudo-intellectuals, as they seem to think claiming any arguments they don't like as such will automatically make them win. I might as well invoke the fallacy fallacy to even the stupidity.
"War isn't a good thing" qualifies me for sainthood now? Fuck, the bar is low when self-righteous, hypocritical idiots like you are setting it.
Because the modern humans know war is bad, because we've gotten so good at it that there's no glory to be won. Ask a Medieval peasant on his views on war, and he'll support it, because it gives him the chance to go up the social ladder, even if the chance of it happening is extremely rare, and a sizable loot.
Call me whatever names you want, but you can't call me wrong, you weak willed prick. And I suppose I have to make it clear that I was mocking you, when I said you were acting like a saint, seeing how dense your character is.
You literally just compared scientific advancement to a movie script. One of us is naive, but it ain't me.
Your "muh science!" is more often than not intertwined with war, doofus. Just like how there can be no shadow without a light source, there can be no scientific advancement without war funding. The big breakthroughs came from nations funding researchers. You can't eat the cake and have it too. More proof that you're naive. Might as well be a self-righteous teenager.
I'm an atheist, dumbass. But it's not fucking "preaching" to say "war is a bad thing, quit fetishizing it like some kind of literal fucking fascist."
Is your English so bad that you take things literally? I wasn't talking about literal religious preachers. I was talking about virtue-signaling simpletons whose only arguments are based on morality, which is SUBJECTIVE! Because if morality was objective, there would be no politics of any kind.
You do realize governments fetishize wars as a masculine trait to recruit or conscript more soldiers, right? What, is the US now a fascist state? Your arguments are literally all based on morality, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AND your proficiency in English is so low that now I'm glad I pointed out that I was making fun of you, when I said you were a saint!
Instead of arguing people on the Internet over morality, why don't you improve your English? Seems like the "logical" thing to do, no? Or are you not on the side of science :(?
Thank god for the block button, so I don't have to hear brain-dead takes like these every time you feel the need to necro a month-old thread
So I can take that as you being wrong, naive and stupid?
Fed-Kun's army
May 31, 2018
Just because war is inevitable doesn't mean it doesn't suck, and it also doesn't mean that we can't do anything to reduce the number and intensity of wars that are thought. FKW's position taken to its logical extreme seems to be "ouch, bad things happen in this world, therefore the only reasonable response is to not give a shit when they do, even when hundreds of million of people are slaughtered in brutal ways.
May 1, 2018
Hoo, so you're only focused on the modern era
No, and I can't even imagine what abortion of logic could have led you to believe that.
If a country doesn't focus on wars, it will be easily conquered by its neighbors.
You don't have to start wars to defend yourself from invasion, nitwit.
Stop trying to be edgy, stupid.
Says the dumbass screaming "war is good ackshually". I don't think you even know the meaning of the word.
Calling arguments as fallacious is overused
If your arguments are getting called "fallacious" a lot, it might be because you suck at basic logic in a very obvious way.
as they seem to think claiming any arguments they don't like as such will automatically make them win.
You could have just said "I don't understand how argumentum ad populum doesn't prove anything", you didn't have to reject the very concept of logic. (Oh, who am I kidding, you did that before the conversation even started.)
I might as well invoke the fallacy fallacy to even the stupidity.
I mean, misapplying a fallacy in response to one being used correctly could hardly make your argument worse than it already is. Nothing else you've said has any basis in reality, why would I expect you to start now?
Ask a Medieval peasant on his views on war, and he'll support it, because it gives him the chance to go up the social ladder, even if the chance of it happening is extremely rare, and a sizable loot.
"An illiterate medieval peasant would say it's good because he's wildly misinformed about his chances of survival and expected rewards" is a contender for the absolute dumbest argument I've ever heard someone make. Congratulations.
Call me whatever names you want
Bitch, you literally started it. Like my grandpa always said, don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash.
but you can't call me wrong, you weak willed prick.
I can, and I am, because you are, you dweeb. Role-playing as a tough guy on the internet only proves how insecure you are. (Sort of like whining about name-calling after doing it yourself, or leaving harassing messages on someone's profile after they block you. That's some real terminally-online loser behavior.) You can call me a dick, but at least I have one.
And I suppose I have to make it clear that I was mocking you
Are you genuinely so stupid that you didn't understand that I was mocking you back? Holy shit.
Your "muh science!" is more often than not intertwined with war, doofus. Just like how there can be no shadow without a light source, there can be no scientific advancement without war funding.
"I don't understand that correlation ≠ causation!" Really proving that "fallacious" isn't the default setting on your brain there, buddy. And like, holy fuck, you think private universities and research institutes don't exist? Or even just that military research occurs regardless of whether there's a war on? You understand less about the world than most small children.
You do realize governments fetishize wars as a masculine trait to recruit or conscript more soldiers, right?
Yes, and they also specifically target uneducated and dim-witted people because they're the most likely to fall for it. So thanks for self-identifying as a member of that group.
What, is the US now a fascist state?
It's certainly trying. You should read some actual history instead of deriving your entire worldview from fantasy. Maybe read up on how the nazis took inspiration from the deep south, or how modern "patriot" groups are literally using the same iconography as the italian fascists, or how there's been an undercurrent of fascism in politics here for over 80 years, or how the military's always been at the center of it. Just demonstrate some awareness of the world around you, any at all, before the next time you feel the need to open your mouth.
Your arguments are literally all based on morality... sUbJeCtIvE!
Oh no, I made moral arguments in a discussion about the "value" of war. Which is itself a subjective concept. How dare I actually stay on topic, I should have followed your lead and spent a paragraph shitting my pants and projecting because I don't understand when my own wordplay is turned back on me. Now the sky is falling.


Instead of arguing people on the Internet over morality, why don't you improve your English?
And there's that projection again. If you can't even understand that "understood" ≠ "agreed with", you definitely don't have any room to criticize anyone else's English. Like, good lord, did you even read your own first paragraph? You wouldn't know grammar if you were hit upside the head with a textbook. I mean, come on:
And there's a high possibility of the cities being destroyed with its discoveries in tomes, like what happened in history. You do realize the techs we're using now are based from military technologies, right?
That's not even intelligible. I can't even imagine what what point you think you're making.
So I can take that as you being wrong, naive and stupid?
Clearly, nobody can stop you from intentionally misunderstanding everything you read, any more than they can stop you from projecting your own personality deficits on everyone else. "People don't want to listen to the inane shit that comes out of my mouth, that must mean they're the stupid ones!" is the sort of thing only a person without the barest shred of self-awareness would say.

But I bet you hear that a lot, too.
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Double-page supporter
Dec 20, 2018
The point is Riboku is the perfect example of "dude in the middle" that Kanki hates the most. "Dudes in the middle", which are the majority, have the power to change things but they chose to blindly serve "dudes above" instead, thus indirectly oppress "dudes below" like Kanki and friends.
Riboku and Kanki are opposites in every way but my favorite part of this chapter is that Kanki calls out his hypocrisy but Riboku is completely speechless. He probably realizes it too and has nothing to retort. Probably later on, this may influence his political decisions and he may just quit being a 3GH after crippling Qin to the point where they can't wage war again. He would just realize Zhao will remain a shitty state with a evil king but he is going to wipe his hands of the political situation and just live in peace in Ganmon.
Active member
Jul 13, 2018
I need someone to put some dirt in reebok's eye. the chump that he is
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
I've read this when it was released but I still keep reading this part occasionally.
Double-page supporter
Dec 20, 2018
I've read this when it was released but I still keep reading this part occasionally.
What I like about reading it is that I suspect Hara is trying to reveal who Kanki and RBK really are. To Kanki, he really is a henious mass murderer but there is something pure about him that he is fully accepting of who and what people are, despite his rage against the status quo. But for RBK, he seems like a hero in comparison but what Kanki is trying to let him know is that he is a massive hypocrite. RBK just loves to be a hero on a unconscious level but in this chapter he is becoming aware of both who he and Kanki are. He assumes Kanki is a evil devil who's hard to understand but when they face off, he realizes that he and his men will valiantly die fighting together and they are okay with who they are and their fates. Meanwhile, RBK thinks of himself as the good guy who can save his people but he's just a normal guy who's following a status quo that keeps terrible people in charge: the person Kanki hates the most. RBK claims Kanki is a mass murderer but not so long ago, RBK made a coalition war that massacred millions for nothing. He misunderstood Kanki as a man with a flea's heart but he's actually someone who helps the forsaken. The moment RBK realizes it is good character progression and the perfect end to Kanki's tale.

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