Kitaku Tochuu de Yome to Musume ga Dekita n dakedo, Dragon datta. - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.5 - Extra

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
The fuck? The father just punched the kid and the teachers did nothing?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
Kind of sad you can tell something is a fantasy when doing the "right" thing isn't punished equally or more so than the "wrong" thing.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018

Well the good news is that she accomplished her goal. The bad news(for her) is that he's married to his baby mama now.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
She lost the race because she never thought there would be another participating and won by default.

I did liked the last chapter, I was like, daaamn.

PS: what a shitty dad he had.....japan thou.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 6, 2018
if this get an anime adaptation, she will get voiced by horie yui, no doubt about that
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 20, 2018
@PsychoJing umm... you realise this little dipshit just seriously hurt (at least from what we can see) the bully (apparently hitting him in the head quite a bit )which can... KILL...a human... do you understand that? KILL the grade of (also UNJUSTIFIED) violence should be harshly punished by far more than it was...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Bluedudu You realize he only acted that way because his father raised him that way right? You don't punish a CHILD with violence like that, nine times out of ten they will only grow up to be monsters as well. The Adults (or lack of) are the reason this situation progressed as far as it did. Because this is fantasy, this obviously worked great for all involved but the real world doesn't work like this.

Fathers who punch and threaten there children usually have terrible children. Mostly because their just following there fathers.

NEVER have a kid if you actually think the solution to fixing all of children behavioral problems is by punching them and threatening them with more violence. That father is a monster.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 20, 2018
@PsychoJing why grow up to be a monster? the child is already a monster looking at the psychoshit he is doing... physically assaulting another human beeing and openly displaying him for public shame? WTF this kid should go into a special institute before he goes on a killing spree...

now you can say he only wanted to help the bullied girl but if so he could just have talked to the teachers/principal (which didnt seem to knew what was going on) instead of going full blown psycho
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Bluedudu I said he was psycho because he has psycho parents.
Your right, he should have been put in a mental institute, and his parents should put in jail for child abuse for making him that way.

how do you not get this...
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 20, 2018
@PsychoJing well i think we just have diffrent opinions on this matter^^ from my experience its simply a bad thing to let the kids trample your head all the time^^ i know many examples of spoiled and especially violent kids (cuz of my work) and their parents are ppl who always try to solve everything with words... which simply doesnt work... pacifism only works if both sides abide by the same rules ...

in a parent - child relationship you need a clear hierachy... ofc you shouldnt beat your child up all the time... but a slap to punish for a grave case of misbehaving is necessary in my eyes
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Bluedudu Everyone is born with innate sense of empathy. If a child at that age acts that way it usual means he is in a VERY violent environment. I'm not talking about your average spoiled brat. Children like that will lie, cheat, steal, and even back-talk to test boundaries, but they back down easily. Children like the kid depicted in this manga that makes everyone in his school horrified at the sight of him aren't brats, they're monsters. You gonna slap them? (lol) Thats NOTHING compared to what they get when they go home everyday. I've seen teachers quit over students like this. Its usually too late to help them anyway......

My mother looked after a group children (and myself) around the neighborhood regularly. Including me it only 5 kids (I was related to one of them), and none of us where ever too much to handle for her. One of those kids that ill call BOB was really cheerful when he was around us. Sometimes he was little loud and rowdy, but he would quiet down just like rest us for her. He struggled with his homework time to time but my mother helped him through it.

Sometimes other mothers of the children would come see how they where doing, as well as mingle with the other mothers. Every now and then,Bob'b mother would come around too. As excited as bob was when he was around us, he was awfully quiet when she was around. She would openly insult around us and my mother, saying things like "I wish he was more your child" in his presence. He would openly cry or get upset if he couldn't figure something out. Because he knew what was going to happen if she came over there and found and answer wrong. My mother couldn't handle that and told her to leave. Even though he live down the street, I wouldn't see much of bob until about 9 years later.

Fast forward to then, dude is a thug, fights galore. He messes with anyone he thinks won't fight back and then some, always pushing boundaries. He gets sent home plenty with his dad or mom in tow. Beating his dumb ass off all the off school grounds. Finally he challenges the principle who's nearly twice his size in both weight and height. After he gets his ass beat and expelled for the final time I don't hear much from him.

That is, until two years later we find out he stabbed his dad for god knows why....
My Grandmother would later question his mother why acted that way in a Walmart she frequently visit.
"I guess we didn't beat him enough"......Lmao. When she told me that, it all clicked why he was such a piece of shit. He got beat plenty, by his parents, his fellow students, and his teachers (the last two were in self-defense). That wasn't what he needed obviously...but now he's where he belongs.

I hope if you ever see a kid being dragged up by his shirt to a grown ass man's level punched in the face while he screams, you call the police. But I get the feeling you'd probably just take notes.

This is just depressing for me, so im not responding to this anymore.
If your responsible for any children, please, PLEASE, discipline them, but don't beat them black and blue.

now goodbye
May 10, 2020
i dont get how blatant child abuse and crazy sht like beating up a kid and publicly shaming them in front of a school doesn't equal some sort of punishment. I get it, its a manga, but if you straight up punch your son in front of their teachers, i'd imagine that's gotta be some sort of fine or jail time. Even the kid should've been suspended AT THE LEAST for his actions, maybe even expulsion & 2-3 years in a juvenile correction center. No amount of "yeah my son has a strong set of morals that sets him apart from others, please excuse him for assaulting another kid and shaming him in front of his school." would help... sheeesh
Aug 15, 2020
@bruh-san It think the school was thinking more along the lines of "let's keep this quiet because if we severely punish them it could gain media attention, and that's gonna make our jobs even harder."

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