Loose hair so great on her. Also fucking finally, the battle is over, I mean I like the mangaka's art, for a different manga is be ok with the fights, but why here?
Also seriously? We're getting another battle arc later on?
Wait your telling me there is more? Dang it. Well if anything that post fight look she has is quite nice. And the art during the action looks great so I suppose I'm fine with this.
Thank you translator and editor for working through these last twenty-ish chapters even though most of us commenters have just shittalked the hell outta this never ending battle sequence. Seriously, amazing work and can’t wait to get back to the fluffy fluff.
Her hair undone? HNHNGGGGGGGG
I'd rather 100% fluff 0% fight, but oh well. Thanks for your job guys.
Wait, why does it say "no group"? You should have choosen at least group of those guys who do translation. You know, it's easier then to came to their group page on md and from there by the link to their discord. Because it's never funny to type down discord link from the image