@Northern Sexuality? Lol. Do you think a romance line necessarily involves sex scenes or shitty harem jokes? One way or another, I will remind you that people can have a romantic partner and friends at the same time. Unless for you platonic love means the illusion of yuri shipping as for some.
@Suben Sorry for the salt, I'm just used to the fact that such subplots meet a lot of specific complaints.
@CosmicWitch I'm glad you at least aren't trying to be hypocritical about this lol.
Don't be a complete ass, that's not what I said now, is it.
I could care less if you're supermad about other peoples opinions. Strawmanning isn't going to make you "win".
@Northern You're wrong because you're a moron - oh, how could I not understand that. Sorry for the misunderstanding lol. Argument to argument won't help you "win" either.
this seems like the perfect thread to remind people that mangadex has a "block user" function. if there's a particular user who tends to clutter up threads, it saves a lot of space to just get rid of them.
@z3c9 Lol what a subtle way of telling me "you annoy me". Seriously, you don't have to spend so much effort on shit like that, you can always tell me straight to my face that you are very annoyed that I question your opinion.