mangaka really got bored of everything maiko for a long time huh. Feels like it's been mostly kenta for a year or two
Part of me thinks she wrote herself into a bit of a corner with Kiyo, who is really nice and quirky and sweet but doesn't really
do anything for the narrative the way Sumire and Kenta do. Not to undervalue Kiyo's role in the story - she is a HUGE PART and the series has shown her importance to others again and again - but as the caterer she just... cooks. Her role is to (literally) stay in the kitchen and make sure other people have what they need to go out and be the best they can be.
And she does it phenomenally! BUT (and this is my big caveat) that doesn't actually
stay interesting from a story-telling perspective when there's all the Kagai and Kyoto and Sumire's journey as a maiko to explore. If the story stayed with Kiyo and ONLY Kiyo the entire time, it would not be anywhere near as interesting. (After all, how many chapters of "Kiyo thinks, 'hmmm, what should I cook today?', Kiyo goes shopping, Kiyo gets inspired by Random Thing, Kiyo makes good food and everyone says, 'Delicious! Thank you for the food! We're off!'" Could a readership take before it gets way too repetitive?)
All that said, while I do like Kenta's story, it really hasn't added much except more pages and volumes. True, him being in Kyoto more has helped Sumire realize/incorporate her feelings instead of just ignoring them, but I'm not sure if we needed to spend this much time with him.