@TSHH: Typos found.
Page 4:
[*]"hitthe" --> "hit the"
[*]"figth" --> "fight"
[*]"But I really want do something after all" --> "But I really want
to do something after all"[/ul]
Page 6: "I need... hold on to Kobayashi-san, don't I...?" missing
to between "need" and "hold".
Page 9: "Kobayashi is sticking her head
on the fight" --> "Kobayashi is sticking her head
in the fight"
Page 11: "strenght" --> "strength"
Page 14: "we need to have the dragon ball near battle field" --> "we need to have the dragon ball near
the battlefield"
Page 15: "precense" --> "presence"