On one hand, I want Cool to have broad enough appeal to get sold.
On the other hand, people bothered enough to have meltdown over stuff like that aren't the type to ever buy manga (or merchandise) in the first place, too afraid that their colleagues would crucify them, with words like "Aren't you too old to read children comics?"
You can hear the insecurities on display "What would the boss say? What would your mother?" First of all, fuck bothering people about things they aren't interested by, you're going to get a bad reaction 9/10, like if somebody tried to come to me and explain why the latest volleyball match was so great, "you like ogling barely adult girls, and hearing them grunt, man?" would be an asshole thing I could answer with, which leads me to the second point
Most people around you won't care enough to shit on whatever it is you do or like, unless you specifically bother them about it. I've seen people come to work in ahegao shirts (and it was physical, old people kind of work), and elicit less than a confused comment, than guys who were talking about how fucked-up drunk they'll get right after work.