First of all:
Didnt expect this dive into Kanna's nature as a dragon and how its basically telling us that she does indeed likes Saikawa to that level with how uuuuh, "comedic"? Their relationship has been so far, tho i cant say im happy with the secret of Kanna's identity still being a thing but whatever, someday.
And lastly:
Knowing Ilulus past shenanigans i can imagine something along the lines of what happened with Kanna and Saikawa but with magic involved, something like "Take was in danger i need to cast a spell to protect him somehow" then fails miserably and voila we have baby Take
Also regarding previous comments:
Lets be real, even if some of us are not as comfortable with the lolicon/shota shit, we have been here following this manga for too much time to keep complaining about it, annoying/disgusting, or whatever you want to call it, as it may be we should be already past that, my brain already can filter the shit on this manga automatically so yeah, it is what it is.