Kochou no Yumeji - Ch. 183 - Beginning

Jan 29, 2020
Perhaps this is the most beautiful Manga I have seen. Thank you. Thank you for your hard work and providing such a wonderful art for us to understand better.
Now I can go to sleep and wish to have a good dream.

Ps. I've read Kamisama Kiss, it is not the same. They are different and beautiful in their own way. ❤
Jul 11, 2020
I finished this manga in a matter of hours today. And was left feeling so content and just simply at peace??? It’s such a beautiful story.

Now later into the night same day, i reread the last chapter and I’m crying. I’m not sure if I’m crying because it just hit me that it’s over or I’m crying because the story itself is making me cry or if it’s a mixture of the two???

Anyways, thank you so much for translating this story. It was truly a beautiful story with beautiful arcs. I was surprised that i cried so much as I read this. For some reason yokai shoujos always make me cry.

Let me once again express my most sincere thanks for translating this. I can only imagine how beautiful this story is in Japanese. I hope to one day read it in Japanese and develop an even feeling of admiration for both the characters and the mangaka.
Apr 20, 2020
Thank you for your work!! This story has a calm feel to it. Every arc was enjoyable. I was deeply connected to this story.
I stopped reading it 2 months ago around chapter 160 when I thought she would disappear and I couldn't bear it. But now that I've finally completed it, I feel happy. This is one of my favorites. The small comments the translator left were always nice to read. I hope there were more stories of this kind out there... it's hard to find such stories. This is so unique and so heart touching. I want to read it again. It's so peaceful and stress relieving.
Jun 28, 2020

Now that I re-read the Final Night and get to hear your theory of how and why she remembers him, I'm awestruck!!! I never realized the Rain arc could relate to the ending this way. It all makes sense that she remembers her past life because names carry memories.

I was wondering whether Sanko knows that his daughter is the reincarnation of Kochou. Now that I think more about it, when she was a newborn, he probably couldn't tell from the baby's face; he probably named his daughter after Kochou in her honor. But as she's growing up to resemble Kochou, he has probably begun to have a clue. That said, I think it's also possible that with his Akayashi sense, he might have known from her birth that she's the reincarnation of the girl he once knew.

So it's spring break in the story ending, that will give plenty of time for all of them to reintroduce themselves, catch up, go on dates in the Human Realm like they had resolved to do, and for the mother to get a grip of the fact that her daughter is going to pass up on college to become a bride to an Akayashi and take "moving out of town" to a new level haha. The mother seems pretty free-spirited herself so all of this should work out well! Oh, Shirogane will also have to swallow the fact that he's become an in-law to Menou, poor dude ha!

A question: do you think the girl is a sophomore or a senior? My over-immersed self wonders if she might decide to at least finish high school before resuming her past life in the Akayashi Realm haha

Seriously, though, I wish there were an epilogue that would tell how Shirogane lives now that he's become a complete water oni. What does he eat? Is he still nocturnal? What does he do for a living?

By the way, before coming across your theory of how and why she remembers him, my conclusion of this whole time was that it's her Akayashi half manifesting itself (as Akayashi don't forget what they've remembered).

Because she had been revived with the Art, she entered the reincarnation process as the soul of a not-Akayashi-and-yet-not-human being. That soul reincarnated in a half-Akayashi body, so there you go...

Plus, when Shirogane confessed his love in the Stopover arc, he said "Every time your name is called, remember me". I was thinking that even if the Reincarnation was named differently, when she is called by her old name - Kochou - it's her Akayashi elements that help her recollect the memories tied to that name. I was also thinking that this theory would answer the question the Reincarnation has about her lifespan: just like the ability to remember forever, she probably has a lifespan of an Akayashi too. So they live happily ever after, the one and only fairy tale I am willing to and can't be happier to embrace!~~~~~
Feb 27, 2020
Found this two days ago and finally finished it. This story is just so beautiful and also very calming. I feel like every arc is connected to the very end. Thank you for your hard work.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2018

> That said, I think it's also possible that with his Akayashi sense, he might have known from her birth that she's the reincarnation of the girl he once knew.
I think so too. Considering that Sango comes from a strong lineage of Ayakashi and gods, his senses are probably stronger than other Ayakashi.

> A question: do you think the girl is a sophomore or a senior? My over-immersed self wonders if she might decide to at least finish high school before resuming her past life in the Akayashi Realm haha
I'd say sophomore since she and her parents seemed more relaxed and there wasn't any mention of entrance exams (though this might have been omitted due to panel limit). It's usually ideal to assume student council leadership during sophomore year since high school seniors in Japan (especially those attending prep schools) are busy preparing for university admissions or job hunting, and student council terms usually change in the middle of the school year. Kochou's smart and seems to have a more positive outlook in life this time around so I'm just wishing she's happy regardless of her future decisions. And yes, I wish we had more chapters to explore what the characters had been up to.

I forgot to mention that too! It also helped that she was still former/part-human so she retained some of the memories that her other friends forgot. I really do think Shima has planned everything through and left hints for the final chapter instead of simply writing a happy ending to please readers.
Aug 5, 2020
I just finished and had to reread a bit, because it's too beautiful! Thank you thank you thank you for posting this, so glad I found it!
Jun 28, 2020
@amplified Yay! So we share the same thoughts about how the Reincarnation came to be who she is! I'm so happy I got it right all this time! Even though you aren't the author, it'd be fair to say that in the English world you are the one with the closest connections to this story. I'll go ahead and hold your conclusion legit hehe! And I'm happy to learn that she's probably a sophomore. That'll be one more year to live a somewhat normal human life before marrying off to the other Realm XD
Jan 26, 2018
I finally got around to finishing this, and... wow. What a beautiful, beautiful manga. I don't have the words right now to say how much I enjoyed every part of this story. I loved every character and I love how they are all connected in the end. I hope they will all be able to live happily ever after. Wow.
Active member
Mar 4, 2020
this whole work was a masterpiece. Thank you for translating this whole thing.
Tbh, the power balance was a bit off putting earlier in the story, but i think it really developed to the point where the power balance over each other shifted to equal
Because ...(warning, i got too passionate, i basically wrote an essay😅)
neither of them could live without the other and where both characters became so in love that they at the mercy of each others whims. To the point Shirogane would do anything for Kochou and wouldn't force her into something she wouldn't like. He didn't want to eat her and be the one to remember her in the end or trap her is some dream like he might've if he was who he was earlier in the story because now he wanted to completely fufill her wishes. He softened up and became weak for Kochou, and Kochou became not only strong physically and gained powers of her own that helped rescue Shirogane like he did for her, but also became stronger mental and emotional source of support for him as well as for herself. This was because neither went through their own processes of development alone. They were each heavily influenced by a community of friends and family that helped them come to be the powerful, loving pair that even death or fate could not separate. As they were in the beginning, it would've been difficult for one to help the other grow. They are strong as a single pair yes, but were it not for the involvement of everyone, Shirogane would be closed off and trying keep this new treasure to himself and not involve her in his plans and be all shady and mysterious, and she would be struggling with trying to feel needed and keeping people dependent on her.
It might have been an ugly relationship; and ongoing struggle of her trying to keep pace with him and trying to do things on her own and almost endangering herself and him with all of his emotions and struggles bottled up at the risk of exploding and him going overboard with his yandere tendencies. But they both had people they could rely on to guide them in the right direction and hear their worries out.
It was because of these people and each other that they were able to solve their internal struggles and eventually began to rely on each other naturally and grow not only as a couple, but as individuals.
That was a big part of why this story was so resounding for me. I found myself eventually relating with or at least understanding both characters in all their strengths and weaknesses. There are many romance mangas that don't manage to accomplish this(and are weirdly reminiscent of old disney princess movies, just in a different setting.) The FL isn't just some overly optimistic girl guarded by plot armor and/or an overpowered mary sue who is impulsive. the ML isn't just some mysterious/powerful/beautiful dude who is super possessive of the FL and gets no character development other than "now im a mysterious/powerful/beautiful dude IN LOVE." they both get character growth and i got to see the process unfold.
Like you said, im happy their relationship developed the way it did. (also, now they're both part ayakashi/human! i love that.)
Nov 23, 2019
Im so confused is the mom the reincarnated of the main character girl and the dad the main lead?

But their child is actually the reincarnated bc they look the same and in the end with the cherry blossom and the og version of the main lead?


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