Koisuru Asteroid - Vol. 2 Ch. 21

Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Wait, those who watch the anime know what i'm gonna talk about but didn't this part in the anime featured Sakurai's imouto and the meteorology girl ? I'm supossing they will come later since i don't believe those two were anime only.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Ao is so happy with how Mira handles kids.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2018
Thanks for sniping our group. We'll be working hard to mass release just like you wanted.
Feb 19, 2018

> Thanks for sniping our group.

that sounds so incredible sad, till you realize that your group has around 12 running manga (+/- 2 manga) on the list, but has only released 21 chapters till 2019-12-30 ... that are 91 days or 0.23 chapters/day = 1 chapter in 4.3 days. Multiplied with the number of running series, it makes 51.6 days between the release of two chapters of the same manga. That means you can't ever get close to translating the chapters when released. In short: stupid.

"Your group" is only translating KoiAs now because it's fresh in terms of anime release and it could get some more views. Let's see when you stop translating it.
Adding onto these points, you already "lost" three series by being "sniped" - I wonder why that happens so often to "your group"?

Also also, you are absolutely right that I want you to mass release the chapters - why? Because I care about the series and I only started to typeset that manga because I want the readers not to lose their interest in the series. Please, do mass release the chapters in your standard quality (so not that rushed job like for the last two pages in chapter 20: Yes, I saw how even the easiest cleaning jobs weren't done anymore. Rushing to release as close as possible to my release is quite sad - again). Obviously, I am worse, I did typeset till today 16 pages in my life. I don't have the tools, experience or time doing it more properly, but I do it because I love the series and I got my hands on a good translation.

Also also also, I am surprised that you didn't release anything yet. on 4chan it was said that you already has a high number of chapters ready, but honestly, I can't believe it, when I can do the job faster than you.

And in the end, I would gladly accept any kind of team work, like releasing every second chapter to catch up faster to the latest one. After that you can finish the other ones, since I can imagine you want the full collection on your website. But for now the main objective should be to give the readers what they want: fast catching up after finishing the anime. Now you can get readers to care - that should be what you are aiming for, not some shitty numbers or a name tagged on a translation. For what exactly does "your group" translate in the first place? Because you loved the cute girls and fun stories in the Kirara magazine or because you wanted to get as many followers as possible so you can compare your dick with other groups?
I am one single guy, working in the healthcare system, typesetting the translation I found in the 4chan threads, not because I am bored during Corona, but because I want this series not dying like everything else what "your group" ever started: Umiiro March, Urara, Yuyushiki and obviously Comic Girls. as 4 examples. And yes these series are mostly dead: Umiiro March 1 chapter for 7 months, 5 chapters for Urara in the same time, 2 for Comic girls and please don't let us talk about Yuyushiki.

Do you wonder why I always wrote "your group"? Because normally if I see a group name I recognize, I can have some faith in their work done properly. These groups can be one guy or a full armada of weebs, but there is something behind their work. "Your group" is nothing like that and *I* would be ashamed being part of the "group" called Kirara Scantasia.

That is my opinion of your comment - "your group" cannot be sniped, because there is no group in the first place.
Feb 19, 2018
message by @PredatorDuck for me at around 8 today

Hey, it's me, PredatorDuck from KiraraScantasia, I think it's nice to see more interest in the series, but I would kindly like to ask you to stop with these releases.

Not because I think we "have the right to this series" or "own" it or anything, it doesn't really gain us anything, but because the release quality is drastically lower.
One of our TLs (who is also Chinese) looked over the /a/ scripts and they're using the Chinese raws and translations, so you're using a Japanese > Chinese > English translation, but the raws are also a lot smaller (947x1344 vs our 1354x1920).

I admit, I've been a little slow on things as I've been busy in real life and been going through some stuff right now, but I can tell you that I can pick up the pace and release at a lot faster rate.​

I post this here because there is no reason to hide anything, the readers should know how bad my quality is and how great KiraraScantasia is.

My response:

Hey back.

What should I say? Do you think I believe whatever you say? I looked over your ch.20 and compared to that mine is at least fine. Different opinions. But we can easily discuss this here or elsewhere.

Adding two things:
1. After catching up, I can't even promise there will be more translations, but even in the case I have them, I can give you a week or so to translate it first for mangadex. That's nice, right? Because that means I won't "snipe" "your" manga. Rest assured. I have other things to do. If there is no translation of "your group", I will try to get my hands on one so that the readers aren't left behind again.

2. If I see some change in your release pace, I will stop, since I don't have actually time to do this. So again, rest assured for you. I am one single guy doing that on the weekends and that's all. So, let's see how you get through the chapters till Friday.

And last: Please, I don't want to get into that shitty drama discord world all these translator groups are in. I have more important things to do.

Thanks for reading two long texts for this stupid drama.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
>Don't want to get into shitty drama discord
>Start a shitty drama on Mangadex

Alright buddy. Just because a group is slow doesn't mean you have to act all superior. I'm sorry to be rude but your attitude is kinda shitty. You could have just offer your help to release faster but you decide to do it the hard way. Just because the release are slow also doesn't mean it's not a sniping. You can just dm the group and ask if they have drop it . It will so much better if people actually communicate and ask before starting to scanlate. It's not like Kirara haven't put any contact info on her group page.

Edit : Even if i admit the releases are painfully slow.
Oct 4, 2018
"Your group" is only translating KoiAs now because it's fresh in terms of anime release and it could get some more views. Let's see when you stop translating it.

Mate we've been translating the series for a year, because our TL likes the series. You're the bandwagon jumper here.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
Didn't want to get into this but ye saying you don't want drama yet starting this is kind of...

Anyway, as Lilliwyt says ye your attitude really ain't the best. Not being a translator myself I don't quite get what it is being sniped, afterall I just read what I get but there definetely where better options to approach this.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Saying the other TL just wants attention then doing this and writing an essay... Not to mention the quality's a step down.
Thanks, but I'll be sticking with KiraraScan.
Sep 25, 2018
There is no real reason for kirascan to be so slow if some random dude can release a new chapter each day though. A real group should be faster than one person.

I understand dropping Yuyushiki because it's pun-hell and translating it to english is a nightmare, but all the other releases have no reason to have months between chapters, nobody even remembers Anima Yell was supposed to be translated and the manga that gives the name to the group "Kirara Fantasia" is extremely behind despite only having like 7 chapters out in Fuz. It's the flagship series, and it's behind despite only having 7 chapters.

There are only 39 chapters of Koias, a year is more than enough time to catch up for any real group, in that time a real group would have translated the 80 chapters from Comic Girls.

An example of a real group are the guys who picked up Machikado, they release a new chapter with max quality each week, sometimes 2 per week, and they are above 60 now when they started from 0 less than 6 months ago. The only reason they aren't even faster is because the translator is doing Hatsukoi Rail trip too.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
If you have time to complain then you have time to help. Kirara upload being slow is nothing new, I don't know the reason why it's slow and frankly there is sometimes where i wish they were more faster but frankly i don't have any knowledge in scanlation nor I know if the team really need helpor just have busy schedule. Althought it will be less true for the latter given the actual situation. There is no such things as "a real group", Kirara is also a real group, they're just much slower than some groups.
Oct 4, 2018
Wow it's almost like this is a hobby and people have other stuff going on in their lives. Meeting your definition of what a "real group" is should definitely be our top priority in life haha
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2018
@HadesTranslation Thanks for that heartwarming ping. I'm glad you finally noticed me. Thanks for disregarding all the hard work I've done in the past year and ignoring the fact that this manga is a monthly release. I'm pretty sure we're releasing more than one chapter per month, so we'll eventually catch up. I sure am a bandwagoner since I totally posted the first chapter after the anime started. We are a "fan translation group" and I'm not sure what a "real group" is as that is subjective per person. Our group's translators translate whenever they feel like it and our redrawers and typesetters do their magic when they are free from their daily life. Thank you for liking this series and I put all my effort to produce quality translations and offer in-depth translation notes to explain the culture and science behind the series. I'm really sorry for our group to taking a long time to release quality releases.

Next release, I do hope you clean all the Chinese text next time and attempt to center the text in the bubbles.
This is the scanlation resources that I used in the beginning and is a good guide to start improving your scanlation.

Honestly, I do hope we can resolve this conflict peacefully. In the end, we're both fans who like Quro's work and trying to bring quality scans to our readers.
Feb 19, 2018
wow, guys, calm down, here is no drama because I only wanted to inform that "group" about my plans and my opinion about their work. This is not something based on these releases but based on my experiences with these translations. This was and is a big problem and often sparks in different communities quite some hate (e.g. Machikadou) which leads to others starting translating these manga. Also, I don't see how writing my opinion in a thread about a chapter of a manga with a a few hundreds views is attention seeking. I am only completely and absolutely against the term "sniping" since nobody can claim anything for themselves in this world of translations and particularly a "group" with much more manga on their list than they could ever handle. Important note is that I also dislike seeing two groups on the same work with the same speed (e.g. 5-toubun) and so it is my aim not doing anything on this manga if they do what I wish to see. Because of that, obviously I don't see a need to contact anyone beforehand and I don't see any need in two guys messaging me I should stop.

And I also didn't expect anyone defending my position, because I guess I am the last one standing and trying to read kirara manga translated by this "group". Everyone can read or wait for what they want, it is obvious which is my version. I hope this short answer is not attention seeking, it is in the nature of humans defending themselves. I won't take part in this kind of discussion anymore, but I like to respond to any kind of critics to the work I did.

I wish everyone a nice week and stay healthy.
Sep 25, 2018

Maybe don't pick up more manga than you can handle?

That's the thing, everyone has their lives, everyone is busy, but if you are why pick up a dozen of series? There are hundreds of groups out there that would love to release weekly with the same quality that you have a bunch of different kirara manga, but they can't because you guys already "reserved" the manga. Try to see from the perspective of the reader, we are humans too, you aren't talking to a computer. You're basically holding hostage a bunch of manga that multiple people would be able to do faster, and the worst part is that none of this would have happened if you didn't pick up everything that has kirara in the name, if you know you're busy why are you purposely holding hostage multiple series with months of separation between chapters?

If you want help, I'll give you help in the form of advice, focus on a single manga (this one has only 39 chapters so far, it's the best option) so you can do timely releases, you can do all the research in astronomy and geology that you want, you can do proper cleaning, proper redrawing and QC, everything, but if everyone is working in the same manga instead of 12 series, each chapter won't take a month. Then when that one catches up, move on to the next one, it doesn't matter if they're monthly releases in the magazine, by the time you catch up with all the other manga in the backlog, multiple new chapters would be on this one. Focusing on just 1 at the time is thousands of times better than an abyssal pacing in 12 series that, believe it or not, have different fans and readers that are just confused why their favorite manga takes so much longer than all the other manga they read do. Rotating between them is only ideal when everything has already catched up because the japanese release pacing gives enough time to work on the other manga in the list each month.

Another thing, keep a public log on the group description that shows the progress, like "Koias chapter 22 100%translated, 25% typesetting, 0% QC" that would help a bunch for both the readers and the motivation of the members in the group.
Power Uploader
Feb 27, 2018
The biggest issue with your argument is that people really don't care about most of the series we do, just look at the the amount of views they get.

You say that we're "holding the manga hostage" but the reality is that there's no one interested in scanlating them in the first place. About half of the manga we picked up was because they were dropped in the first place.

Where it was applicable I've asked the groups working on those manga if it was okay if we could take over because they were dropped, and they said yes.
No one has ever asked this about any of our series, because they simply don't care about niche series like these.
Oct 4, 2018

If someone wants to pick up Yuyushiki or any of the other series we haven't updated in a while they're free to do so. Turns out not many people are interested in scanlating kirara manga huh. Hell lots of the manga we picked up was because they were dropped. But no, @HadesTranslation picked one of the manga that we're actually reguarly releasing because it got an anime and he wanted some attention.

I don't want your help lol, that's a lot of shit coming from someone who reads manga for free. If you ever decide to actually do work, which would definitely surprise me, you can organize yourself however you want and you can pick up kirara manga to save it from being "hostage" 🙄.

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