Funny to me seeing people still think that the romance plot is the main plot and get upset when the author focuses on the slice of life.
I mean it is pretty confusing at times, I can't really blame people.
The author focuses on either romance OR making friends,but doesnt combine the two that well in my opinion. If I could do the story I would focus on the making friends part first and keep the romance for the end of the story. And to be honest, since becoming a couple,the author focuses too much on the romance and not enough on the "making friends" part in my opinion. The last time, Komi had 74 friends (maybe 80 by now ,who knows?) and her progress slowed down because of the romance. Sure, Komi got to "befriend" Kawai and her friends, but I am not sure if you would call Kawai a friend. Tho, if Komi considers Yamai a friend,then she should update her standards lol.