Seriously, though. That expression of pure guilt Manbagi has when Komi apologizes is agonizing to look at. Manbagi loves Tadano but she also loves Komi as her friend that came to her rescue when she was alone. No one is at fault for having the feelings they have but it still hurts all the same.
Nice. Looks like someone really disliked how unbelievably well-received the character is in-world, huh?
...Where in my comment have I said anyone is at fault, over anything?I only stated a fact. She is loved, 100% only because she is pretty. Literally nothing else. Herself, as a character, has no substance.
And I don't think any of your logic applies here. This is 100% feel-good author logic, it has nothing to do with ""society"". Usually, with the kind of person Komi is, it is much more likely for her to have a horrible life, rather than such a fantastical one. Mogima actually just shared an instance of such an idea...
I really hope this is not the beginning of the end, there're so many more gags to be had! Komi-bro needs more spotlight, and Tadano-sis too!!!! I don't necessarily ship them, but Komi-bro + Tadano-sis interaction is just a joy to read about lol