@Acolytus ah but this is the way of a long serialised Manga. Gotta drag things out and timewaste on comedy nonsense and filler arcs, and inflate it with 5000 side characters to keep it serialised as long as possible... woe upon you if you actually desire a plot to progress.
Oh and bonus points if it's a rom-com, because it'll inevitably introduce one or more decently characterised love "rivals" that you could end up rooting for, but woe upon you again if you do, because nobody can ever win besides the girl on the cover/in the title. I'm sure glad I'm on Team Komi, because I'm pretty sure most of the people on Team Manbagi are aware their ship is almost certainly doomed to sink by trope of "main girl always wins" alone...
But yeah, I miss the days of the one shot an early on when it was just "crippling social anxiety girl and plain guy friendship/love story" and not a "5000 characters that are all defined and named after their one singular character trait and that's funny haha comedy, also you can maybe have some of that actual original plot every 25 chapters or something I dunno"... seriously, even Tadano and Komi are charicatures of their oneshot/early serialisation selves...