And because he didn't peek at Shamoe's status she'll end up being crazy unique or powerful or something. A bit predictable, but that's alright I guess.
Isn't this the exact same makeup as the beast kin he was with?
Old man pervert lolicon
Loli who has an interest in him
Mysterious power girl with large breast for her body type
......they skipped the battle with a huge monster from the lake that happens in the ln...I guess the manga and the ln are quite different....other than that there's one more companion that will join. Hehehehe
I just realised that in this arc, the manga (or maybe LN too) had different story line compared to WN. I would spoiler it since the author might pull the plot later.
The one who was supposed to attack the MC is Shamoe. It showed up the power of half demon-beast, that I think it would be connected to the later arc. Also Shamoe is more moe-blob in WN compared to in manga.