This... was the most satisfying chapter I have ever read... This was probably the chapter that had the most character development for both Mizuki and Subaru.. So glad to see it really exists since when reading from the beginning, I wasn't sure if it was going to ? But my heart was warming the whole time once Mizuki saw her self-portrait by Subaru and her compliment to Subaru. You can already see the changes in emotion they both had, well more notably Subaru with the slight blushes after her compliment and starting to accept realistic drawings. If it was the past him, he would probably not have much of a reaction and probably won't even draw Mizuki without her noticing since he usually modifies the drawings to anime girls. While it's subtle I think this is a big step for Subaru and I actually like slow development rather than rushed

Feels more satisfying to me~
Also for Mizuki, her change isn't as great as Subaru but she's also slowly starting to accept and admire Subaru and his drawings (even if she hides that she hates his anime girl drawings, she most likely still has some form of respect for them) And also if it was first chapter Mizuki, once she saw the drawing of her, she would want to take it and hang it up like she used to, worshipping it, but instead I believe she's respecting more of his actions on doing it rather than the drawing itself. You can see her toned down and becoming more kinder throughout, also a bit more honest, and I think I like this change of hers as well! Also she's getting more used to Subaru and more friendly I think? Not to mention her smile after she complimented him was one of the beautiful in this manga!~No wonder Subaru semi-blushed~