Dark comedy where? there is 0 comedy in this manga. Taking suicide lightly is also in bad taste. Suddenly everything will go well cause remembered some culprit.
isn't mojibake literally untranslateable? or just some standalone kanji by themselves mixed in with nonsense where he still sounds like a glitched chara lol
isn't mojibake literally untranslateable? or just some standalone kanji by themselves mixed in with nonsense where he still sounds like a glitched chara lol
If you know how they are generated and depending on how much data retains, it ranges from somewhat undecipherable to fully revertible. For example, in the 3rd mojibake bubble, he was saying "long time no see".
ひさしぶりだね -> 縺イ縺輔@縺カ繧翫□縺ュ
This kind of mojibake where there are a lot of half width katakana and a lot of kanji with 糸 radical is a big giveaway they are generated by encoding with utf8 and decoding with shiftjis.
All the ? are wildcards so the more there are and the shorter the text is, the more difficult it is to get back the original text due to how much data is lost.
From suicidal lolicon to super-sleuth avenger. I'm glad the investigators and the medium will have more to do in this story other than finding his dead body hanging from a branch lol
holy fuck can't believe I spent 4 hours on this and actually managed to get most, if not all of it done
long version if you want to know the logistics, or skip to the translation below
Most symbols are rotated 90 degrees clockwise. If you see ->, it's originally ↑.
Not sure, might be something like "やあぁ". It does mostly match up.
Likely calling her name. I remember from the last mojibake attempt ちあき -> 縺。縺ゅ″. 2 wild cards for a string this short is just impossible to decode. "Chiaki" does line up a bit.
-> ひさしぶりだね
"Long time no see."
The missing verb is likely 言 since 言 -> 險?.
"Did he try to say something just now?"
Likely 最後まで聞かなくて殺しちゃだめだ. Doesn't fully match, but matches more than enough to establish the meaning.
"Don't kill him without listening till the end."
Verb is likely 言 again.
"He had something important to say."
No fucking idea. Let me know if you can plug something in よ___の未練, probably 2 letters?
Guesswork: "It's something to do with his(?) regrets."
ほら???も????度ち????と聞いて -> ほら、もう一度ちゃんと聞いて
How the fuck did I get this right
"Go listen to him again, carefully this time."
Lost half the sentence but it's easy to guess the meaning.
"Didn't he say he remembered something?"
"Ohhh, he's a bright one."
そ??通り?? -> その通りだ
たじゃないか -> 縺溘§繧?↑縺?°, and 言 converts to 險?
so it's likely ほらね言ったじゃないか
"See, didn't I tell you so?"
Managed to get a few words here and there:
縺?d縺ゅ?? is something like ahaha
譛ャ蠖薙↓雉「 -> 本当に賢
縺?ク? was encountered above and decodes to う一. Thing is a lot of hiragana encodes to 縺?, in this case it's not う but rather い for 賢い.
縺溘>縺上i縺?□ -> たいくら???? -> たいくらいだ
"Aha, he's really smart. I want to take him along."
ぼ…僕??せいかい? -> ぼ…僕のせいかい?
"W-Why is it my fault?"
Hiya, Chiaki.
Long time no see.
Did he try to say something just now?
Don't kill him without listening till the end.
He had something important to say.
It gotta be something to do with his regrets.
Go listen to him again, carefully this time.
I might take another look later, learned some techniques when I defucked the mojibake yesterday.
Checked and concluded there's nothing else I could do. All the wildcards ate the most important kanji and it's not like dialogue text where you can somewhat guess the meaning from context so it's a lot more difficult.
edit2: nevermind, I threw some programming in and surprisingly managed to unfuck a lot of text. Do take it with a grain of salt because half the text was deduced by code and I still couldn't unfuck some important grammar stuff.
Kiguchi Chiaki/35
Kiguchi Chiaki is a spirit (bourei). Spirits that haunted Kuboyama town in the past can borrow Chiaki's ghost vessel, manifesting their (her?) power. There is also the power of a reaper hidden in that vessel.