Kouchuugun Shikan Boukensha ni Naru - Vol. 4 Ch. 21 - Explanation of the Plan

Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2020
Fun. He's got a good cause, and I hope the author plays this out seriously. A Sim stranded with the high tech civilization actually being right would be refreshing.

Yeah, a thousands years from our IRL is completely irrelevant here, because a huge, huge amount of time was chasing dead ends, getting stuck in stagnant local minima, or trying to find our way through the dark of unknown unknowns. Given a few mild changes to history, it's perfectly conceivable that industrial civilization could have taken off with the Romans and everything would be different. It's not like he's starting from the Stone Age, they've got reasonable metallurgy, and of course as always in these settings magic has at least the theoretical potential to be an accelerator. He's also not 100% stranded and out of bootstrapping either, he's got AI and actual data libraries, global comms, orbital surveillance, and basic nanotech with him. Hard to overstate any of those, in particularly anything that allows piercing the normal fog of war. With even the most basic armies, if one side can literally see everything from above and communicate at least to local commanders instantly vs land scouts/runners at best and has a modern understanding of logistics/military training it'd be hard to lose. A lot of his time will just be spent on initial bootstrapping and buildup, but unless he faced a major disruption or someone hostile realized what was going on in like the first few years he should have a good shot.

Of course, this is assuming he doesn't get unlucky with the bugs. As she said probabilities are ultimately just probabilities, not as if it's impossible the bugs discover the place in a century or two, or even decades. At which point he'd be fucked, too soon.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a bug is already on the planet. It might have a reputation for simply being a "dangerous monster", though, and would completely fly under MC's radar.
Jul 15, 2019
Until he makes contact with the rest of the empire his soldiers will be superior to theirs since they have both empire tech and the planets magic.
Jan 12, 2019
Well we all know MC will go full autism on the making babies part but this is a cool manga. Anyone know of a WN translated?
Aggregator gang
May 24, 2019
@Acidroach WN is badly paced and full of unnecessary slice of life moments. LN has most likely cut these unnecessary bits off tho. You can find the NU link in the manga page.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
Even if you have uber-advanced technology, the primitive way of baby-making is always the best. 😀
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for the humans."

Oct 29, 2019
Let's save the planet by making a lot of children. Minna, ikuyooo!
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2020
Ha-ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is “Never get involved in a land war in Asia,” but only slightly less well known is this: “Never be ambiguous when talking about children to your harem!
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
I'm excited for this age of space-fantasy empires, this time with magic. I think Emperor Alan has a nice ring to it.

Since this series is very much like Suisei no Gargantia, I may as well throw on that original soundtrack to listen in the background while reading this series.

MEH, mc is not thinking straight, he can dominate the planet within 10 years if he does it right.
The fastest way is to use the ship AI to control droids in all major cities and proyect a hologram of the "Goddess" and provide a prophecy by saying that in 1200 years, invades from the stars will come and destroy the world, then proceed to show an EDITED footage of each city in ruins with insects the size of people slaughtering everyone and showing their spaceships and all, by saying that this is the future 1000-1200 years later and that of this moment any wars between countries is forbidden and that they will be anexed with the "Empire of the goddess" and that her apostole will unify the whole world under one banner, and should anyone resist, she says with a sad smile that they will recieve my wrath as they are getting in the way to save this world.
AS a proof of this, her apostole and champion will conquer the demon forest and build "heaven" city within 5 years.

Naturally some people will revolt, but with the droid, they can be found and then eliminated.

I like that idea. Only problem is that it would create a totalitarian religion, one that conflicts with their super sci-fi science under the Empire's chain of command which Alan wants them to learn through an education curriculum fundamentally. If he just wanted to take over the planet and not concern himself with his space Empire and just rule under his own Empire, then the religion route would probably be better.

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