@devolth In the earlier chapters that was his plan. He was doing low risk, medium reward strategies based on farming mobs that would normally be too high level for him, but his knowledge of them made it easy. It was one of the major plot points earlier because he was thinking about why he even came back to the past in the first place if it was just to be really strong. What makes him do such really high risk stuff is because he decided to form a party with the others. He now has the goal of making the guild that he formed the best one, and the only realistic way to do so is to do extremely risky stuff because the other guilds are basically leagues ahead of them.
TLDR: He knows how to level at a fast rate and has already done so, but improving the guild overall is taking priority.
TLDR: He knows how to level at a fast rate and has already done so, but improving the guild overall is taking priority.