Forgive my bluntness but... that was hot. The feeling of being with only two of you in a room, underneath the teacher's desk. A girl's breath softly being blown into your ears with a playful tone. I can imagine how shocked our timid little boy would get. I rate this 100 youths out of 100.
Comments on mangadex never stop dissapointing.
You say that it's lewd. You tell them to "just do it already".
Guys! We are dealing with children here! They're innocent! I mean, look
Kubo and Anjou in my opinion has a big difference in relation to Nagatoro and Takagi. The first two make it clear that they like the guys. The last two are not so clear. At some point, the classic chapter "why the cool girl fell in love with him?" will be needed.
@VINT64 c'mon, man, you really think that this comments so serious?) Its gag, meme, call it whatever you want, mostly coming from Nagatoro, where she always tease senpai "lewd" when he does such innocent things like we see here
@VINT64 As dummyaccount12345 and Jmann already said do realize we call hand holding lewd, don't you? It's called sarcasm. Even though these jokes might not be funny, even an idiot can understand when people are being sarcastic like this.
Or Do YoU wAnT tHeM tO tAlK lIkE tHiS tO uNdErStAnD?