Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Vol. 4 Ch. 31

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 20, 2018
@Doenyon well my grandparents had chickens so i helped raising them as a kid :) its doable

also you are looking at medival times here its pretty normal for kids to help there (well actually even nowdays its normal in some jobs^^)

and no didnt read the LN and i admit 18+ hours sounds a lot but honestly even that wouldnt be strange in ancient times^^ nowdays we are just spoiled because we drown in money from a simple job
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@alidan oh I know they are better off, but I'm pointing out that they weren't really given a choice, and the language used, the situation they were in, is used to abuse/exploit people in other stories.
Oct 5, 2018
How easy is to defend child labor. Children aren't supposed to work. They have to eat, play and learn. That's it. All the idea of "giving them a way to earn their food" is BS.
May 19, 2019
There's no denying that Yuna is engaging in child labour but her own messed up childhood plus the bad example Fina gives her of the resilience and willingness to work of young children leads to her brushing all her concerns under the carpet. That being said it's undeniable that everyone working for Yuna is getting a better salary and working conditions than they could demand anywhere except maybe the Palace. The kids get good food, toys, books, spending money, an apprenticeship of sorts and Yuna is considering taking them
on holidays to her Bear Hostel by the sea
Feb 21, 2019
I see a lot of potential for game memes with the "This is the coop" panel from page 7. Anyone up for this ? :)
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 30, 2018
i read this and get my feeling back to my past when i still an child, have to do so much sht to have money even tho only 12yo for some extra money for family cause of shtty debt
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
I feel like the author tried really hard to present a scennario in which child labor was an accaptable prospect. It's voluntary AND they get a fair wage. And it's also true that in medieval agricultural town the children would be working as soon as they are able.

Though we should also note how impossible the circumstances had to be to present this "postivie child labor" scennario: their employer has basically infinite funds and really cares fir them and people somehow haven't domesticated the chickens, when they are identical to IRL chickens so I don't really how understand how that's possible.

The cluckers didn't even have to be so rare in the first place! It would have been perfectly belivable that Yuna wanted to make them manage a chicken coop if it was an everyday thing too.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Seriously Yuna? Plastic containers? At least use paper ones, those degrade at least!
Double-page supporter
Jul 12, 2018
Where does everyone take the information from that she made plastic containers?
I fail to find that information in the chapter. Nor does any panel give the impression of the cases being see-through.

As far as Child Labor goes, thinking children should only eat, play and learn is a morally idealistic statement. I could agree with that if those children were in financially secure households but they're not. They are orphans in an orphanage that's already out of resources. Even if you say they should eat, play and learn they do not have food they could eat and likely no means of education to learn from. For them, the most important part is to stay alive, which means gaining resource, in this case money, in order to buy food.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@HUNRonin I was also surprised at how the manga differs from the source material. Iirc she made them out of stone in the novel, using her earth magic. But we saw panels written by the mangaka on the last page in this manga calling it plastic, so I guess it really is plastic in this version.
Jan 3, 2019


I still find the plot so stupid. Atleast its cute ^^.

Why cluckers... and its not gonna work out if you need to feed them.
It would have been better to teach them some manufacture skills. OR beat the damm noble lord into shape. ^^
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
@CountryMage not really, they are given a choice. do the eggs and your life gets significantly better, or don't and hope people will be kind and give you scraps. The choice is always there, it's just that the choice, especially in this case, is a crap life or become an adult early.

I had a lot of arguments with people about sweatshops and child labor. me and the person I argue with live in a fairly well off area, and their argument boiled down to how can they do that to people and kids, they should pay people a minimum wage like we have here and not use kids, while my counter is these kids have no choice, there is no hand out for them, and if its not this, its work somewhere else at half the pay at best, or do something far less legal or morally good. life won't always give you a good option and another good option with a safety net below you if you flip both options off.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018
Pfft! Child labour. Look, that term only exists in the modern era.

Try calling out 'child labour' in Medieval Europe, Classical Europe or even current India or some African countries. They will instead ask you, "What nonsense are you on?" because if they don't work, they literally don't eat. Americans love saying, "Oh, this isn't right. Children shouldn't work. Go to school." That disconnect with reality doesn't settle the problem.

'Child labour' is a pretty term that westerners use to make them feel good about themselves. But in the reality of children starving because there is no food, nobody cares about child labour. The children themselves would rather go beg for work (such as in Oliver Twist, where street urchins are taught pickpocketing) just so that they can eat.

Have you people felt the pain of going to sleep hungry? Have you had to beg for food? I have, and I'm sure some college kids are still doing it. But these kids have no prospect for themselves, and certainly no food for them.

Yuna is giving them:
1) Opportunity to gain an income, now they don't have to go to sleep hungry anymore
2) Apprenticeship, so that they can later on find work elsewhere
3) Self-respect, in that they can learn a trade and don't have to beg for food anymore
4) A future, because now whether they live or die is entirely dependent on themselves instead of some lord they have never met before

In the middle ages, as soon as you're old enough to carry something, you're expected to help out your family at their trade, such as at the farms. You think this is too young? In the middle ages, children as young as 5 started working at the farm. Even in industrial era England, very young children did hazardous jobs, such as cleaning chimneys, working at the factory, or serving as deck boys or port porters.


I am seriously amazed that you guys are calling this child labour, especially when it is for their own survival. Have you never done chores before? Have you never been told to feed your dog when you're supposed to be playing Xbox with your friends? Do your parents hire maid service to clean your homes?

I can understand the few people here who were just joking about it. But the rest of you, have you never been told to do chores?
Aug 4, 2018
People saying it's unrealistic that she make something like plastic, but anyone who think she make plastic is the unrealistic one. lol

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