Reading this getting on my nerves (not in a bad way, it's subjective).
I won't blame Machi, I'm not a country bumpkin or modern people , just normal.
But, I understand how Hibiki feels. No, in my case, dunno about other people, Machi is the type of person which I can't handle the most.
I'm in the state where I must understand that there are so many kind of peoples in this world, but it's just too much for me.
Patience is needed! lol
Speaking of its theme, this manga kinda heavy. I can't fully enjoy it, there are times when I laught but can't do it because it's not supposed to be fun.
When Machi can't do something and she started to cry, it's not cute. I mean, wow, it hits the mark when you don't know at first. I understand that and I can't laugh at all. Maybe I take it too seriously.
But the good thing is Kuma Miko always on its line and know where it's going.
Even.. well, there are few of unnecessary fanservices which I never except coming from this fluffy slice of life manga.