
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Wow! This is absolutely one of my new favourite things! Both of the main characters, girl and bear, have a very real-person feeling about them but are also totally adorable. I love the way the bear is totally comfortable with technology while she's an absolute techno-peasant.
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
Reading this getting on my nerves (not in a bad way, it's subjective).
I won't blame Machi, I'm not a country bumpkin or modern people , just normal.
But, I understand how Hibiki feels. No, in my case, dunno about other people, Machi is the type of person which I can't handle the most.
I'm in the state where I must understand that there are so many kind of peoples in this world, but it's just too much for me.
Patience is needed! lol

Speaking of its theme, this manga kinda heavy. I can't fully enjoy it, there are times when I laught but can't do it because it's not supposed to be fun.
When Machi can't do something and she started to cry, it's not cute. I mean, wow, it hits the mark when you don't know at first. I understand that and I can't laugh at all. Maybe I take it too seriously.

But the good thing is Kuma Miko always on its line and know where it's going.
Even.. well, there are few of unnecessary fanservices which I never except coming from this fluffy slice of life manga.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
the mangaka Masume Yoshimoto is probably a girl , her page : http://masmeyoshimoto.tumblr.com/ .

her japanese manga : https://www.amazon.co.jp/l/B00J21RZPQ?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1551767593&redirectedFromKindleDbs=true&ref_=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&rfkd=1&shoppingPortalEnabled=true&sr=8-1

the loser scanlators dropped this series , so you can just buy the official english version , 8 volumes in total and still ongoing , the digital kindle is only 10 $ :

https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AMasume+Yoshimoto&s=relevancerank&text=Masume+Yoshimoto&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1 .

i think even the loser publisher dropped this series . the japanese volumes are up to 11 volumes , but the english volumes are still only 8 volumes .

kuma = bear . miko = priestess .

kuma miko = a bear and a priestess , or a bear-ly priestess , kuma is probably an adjective in this word , so she is a priestess in a bear-ly religion .

note that in all the covers , the kuma is on the left and the miko is on the right .
Jan 18, 2018
So if official english publisher dropped it does it mean it will be ex-licenced and possible to upload?
Sep 25, 2018
wait what why does this thing have an ecchi tag? Do i even want to know?😠
Apr 14, 2020
theres an ecchi tag with no romance, led by a female protag who is 14 years old... should i be worried?
Feb 20, 2019
well.. guess i'll wait till the missing chapters is uploaded
a good, nice read tho
Jan 27, 2018
I feel like information has been vague about this series.

It got licensed and was being translated, but the translation halted for seemingly no reason. You can find volumes 1-8 translated officially. It's linked on the series' page. This group or person translating from 9 is just translating from where they left off. Currently, there are 14 volumes out.
Jul 1, 2020
I was intently following this as One Peace Books was localizing/publishing Kuma Miko in the US. After an absence of Volume 9, I contacted them via email, Twitter, and Facebook. They eventually replied to me on Facebook, stating that they have no plans to localize and publish Vol 9 due to lack of interest. This was over a year ago.

I never saw this manga at Kinokuniya or Barnes and Noble. It was especially odd for it not to be at Kinokuniya. It was as if One Peace Books weren't even trying to promote it. I could only purchase on Amazon. I was pretty upset that it was abandoned and yet still licensed, as I do not know Japanese and was pretty invested with the story and characters of this manga.

It's exciting that it is being scanlated resuming from where One Peace Book left off. I just can't tell who's doing it. I will wait to find out how consistent and reliable releases are before picking back up. Here's hoping. I do wish I could support the effort.

If anyone else cares, please contact One Peace Books! Blow up their Twitter and Facebook. Let them know there is interest in Kuma Miko!

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