Kumika no Mikaku

Jan 18, 2018
My guess is the ability to metabolize air was developed after a mass extinction and her ability to taste is vestigial.
Jan 30, 2018
Dear Helvetica Scans, I'm really thankful to you for translating and bringing us this manga, but you just can't leave us hanging on chapter 36 final page, it's wrong for our health (and heart) 😭😭
Jan 6, 2019
if this weak ass bitch doesn't confess to kumika then i'm going to lose my shit and give japan a 2nd sarin attack
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
@manmanman Really? I mean, what was even the point of writing something like that? It's neither funny or acceptable in any context.
Jan 6, 2019
@Nodens i don't really know how to respond "it's neither funny or acceptable in any context". the attack happend 2 decades ago, you need to calm your tits. i doubt someone is going to be offended.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
This series makes me feel sad and tells me a few things.


A heavily pirated series like Grand blue did 250k in sales. Kumika no Mikaku did 3,000. . . . . .
Like really? Was piracy really to blame for that margin of sales difference? The post states that foreigners buying untranslated manga is 5% of global, that would not have saved it.

Idk, it seems the Japanese public itself is much more important in determining which manga survives and is popular than the rest of the world because only the most popular selling mangas in Japan get official foreign translations to make even more boatload of money. The system is rigged against manga tastes of anyone but Japan's.

It now makes sense why worthless predator companies like Yen Press squat on translation licenses. . . . . they're GAMBLING to see which title becomes popular in Japan, so they just squat on it and pray they hit the lottery with at least one of the licenses they squat on.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 18, 2018
I will not justify the existence of piracy.
They come in various ways that will eventually return to the main points, affecting the results of the sale. It is still a bad point, however, defined by all defenses.

I would say that >3,000 copies are mid-range, that's not bad.
And you just gave a bad sample with this manga, it doesn't prove everything wrong. Because there are still many of these types that are also very popular. For example Ojisama to Neko, with sales approaching >200,000 copies in 2 volumes.

I think, Japanese readers aren't too blame (not when compared to interested readers in my country).
If it's a crisis, maybe all manga genres won't be popular there. They like to read, also diligently post a review on bookmeter. The response is good and everything will return to the community. But it also doesn't depend on mere trends.

...the most popular selling mangas in Japan get official foreign translations to make even more boatload of money.
My country seems to be one of the most gambled of all countries. (I'm not American, I'm just lazy to change it)
If Europe the first one licenses many big titles like The Promise Neverland, Dr. Stone etc., they always appear later here - it almost pisses me off.

If you're curious enough, here are some titles that are not popular in the global community but are licensed in my country:
1. Kuneru Maruta
2. Ooedo Youkai Kawaraban
3. Matinee to Soire
And many more.
My publisher gambles more than Yen Press, lol. Believe it.
Also, you can't blame them completely. It's all about money. After all, manga is a business.
If it's very popular, why not? Like in my country, we have a poll, the reader will vote for the title to be licensed. This must be considered rather than being left piled up in the warehouse - or even worse, left in the middle of the road because of a small number of enthusiasts.
Sickly Senpai
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Recent or not, making joking threats of mass murder is in poor taste and definitely falls under the catch-all of 5.1.4. Vulgarity is fine, but save the imageboard-tier shitposting for the 'chans, please.


P.S. I'm not personally offended or anything. (For disclosure I was in the Oklahoma City metro when it was bombed in 1995.) It's just tacky. And might be illegal in some places or otherwise get one on a spooky government list.
Aggregator gang
Apr 17, 2018
We need more, we need to see them dating and trying alien food and stuff and for them to share food with their kids.

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