Oh, noes. Snow. Cancel everything! The footsteps in the snow are only a couple centimetres deep. That's nothing.
I also find it weird to warn about the pavement freezing over, since if it snows "that much", you're going to have snow everywhere, not ice.
She found some deeper snow.
"We can leave earlier, but we still have to finish the work."
That sounds standard to me. I mean, I've had an employer where I had to absolutely stay until the clock said I could go home, which led to me lying on a couch watching YT or napping for an hour since I worked decently fast. And trust me, people work better if they can go home when they're done than if they have to wait and waste time until then.
Throwing a snowball at him when he's holding that big two-part snowball is pretty brave of her.
I'm surprised he didn't break something falling in the snow like that. This chapter seemed to emphasize the difference in age more than ever, with her playing around thoughtlessly and him working.
At first I thought his back gave out or something, considering how manga adults turn 50 the moment they pass 25. By how much he's complaining about everything, that seems about accurate.