Kuroha to Nijisuke: Kuroki Majo no Divertimento

Feb 16, 2018
@Deoxyribo9 Yeah but they might still cause untold amounts of murders before they eventually die. Only the main guy and main girl might escape it basically, as one will fuse with the death god again and the other might as well be recruited or whatever.
Oct 2, 2020
Let me just say this was absolutely phenomenal like great plot not confusing and a perfectly mixture of nearly everything honestly just read it
Sep 15, 2019
I liked this. It was a bit fast paced towards the end, but it ended well enough unlike many other series out there. The male mc is awesome.
Aug 29, 2020
This is very good. The plot was well developed, the characters were interesting and although the story is simple it got me hooked. It got a bit fast toward the end but it gave an acceptable ending, I’m giving it a 9\10 since it stayed true to its theme and was entertaining from beginning to end.
Oct 21, 2019
I loved this! I read it all in one sitting! The action didnt stop and it kept me interested the whole time! Definitely recommend this!
Sep 26, 2020
okay. this is gold.
quick pacing with nonstop action and balance with romance and comedy? i wish for a sequel but i guess it will end in bittersweet note that way.. eventually. all things considered... im satisfied. 10/10 from me.
Sep 30, 2020
Howdy, my comment has made it so there is currently 69 comments. This manga was good, what a bittersweet ending
Group Leader
Jun 24, 2018
I love, love, adore this manga so much. I love how it takes itself seriously but is so ridiculous and over the top at the same time. Only to rush everything thoughout the entire manga and half-assing literally almost all developments. Although the fact that this manga constantly shoves action-packed sequences and emotional scenes into my face really makes for a enjoyable read and had me forget about all its flaws. Thanks for the translations!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
This was surprising great. From the first three chapters in the prequil I thought this would be episodic in nature, with a new arc every few chapters. Instead I got a very fleshed out story. Despite being 22 chapters each one is 25-70 pages long so I likely read closer to 50 chapters worth of story if this was published in shorter form.

Each character had good motivations behind their actions that made them human despite most of them being killers in one way or another. Shigari in particular was lovecraftian in nature, killing for no other reason than to worship higher beings outside his comprehension, truly terrifying.

Romance was iffy, where other than the main duo the story had difficulty pushing romance in, although for the characters who fell in love this love did humanize them in a good way.

The art should not be understated. Beautiful work I was looking at, from fight scenes to close up shots to differing perspectives. No doubt the artwork amplified the elements of this story to make a wonderful piece of work.

The only thing I would have wanted is a few more chapters showing the characters living normal lives. Apart from that this was a fantastic work of art. A great shame that no english paperback exists, it would have been a lovely addition to my shelf.


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