Kuse Tsuyo Kanojo wa Toko ni Izanau - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - [UNCENSORED]

Aggregator gang
Apr 30, 2024
These so-called modern romance stories, need to open with a parody to the key of a generic yet oddly honest youtube opener...
Hey! Welcome to the 2020s! Were almost everyone is some flavor of skank!

Man ai is such a snore, I wanted to make an image of ol jeff as fred fredburger, staring at flavors of ice cream cartons, with picture of famous real & fictional whores
Apr 10, 2023
Sorry, not falling for it. If the author is going out of their way to hide who she is doing this with, or kissing, then clearly there's some stupid switcharoo waiting to happen.
Still, the moron really overplayed his hand with the whole "kiss" thing in the hallway. It's either going to be played straight, or the man gave the biggest, brightest sign that it's bait.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2024
I'm fine with her having boyfriend; and I'm fine with her caring about MC as a cousin if its platonically. But this will be very F up if it's not platonically.

Still, if its in fact platonic, what good is left in this manga when the other love interest for MC is a menhera that's likely to be yandere? I just see no where to go from this point...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2020
It's only chapter 4, but it feels like 24. As it's been written before - how can you live in one apartment and not know if someone is really coming over and fucking her???? The main character is an idiot (for the sake of the plot - a stretched misunderstanding) so deserves a ntr. Gigachad would have figured it out right away.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2019
Technically not a cuck since he never got the balls to get with her in the first place. :pacman: He's just being selfish.
I mean it technically is a cuck manga in the manga sense. He is our MC and she was(/is) his first love interest. Him not getting with her isn't really important and to add to that, he just couldn't yet due to the situation and him being a kid.

He had a childish crush on someone very close to him who turned out to be the village's public bicycle and now met her after maaany years and she is further torturing him (intentionally now?) while he still crushes on her, lmao. That is playing into a very certain genre
There almost has to be some kind of silly, convoluted answer for this, right? Why would someone be in her apartment, already waiting for her, and then stay in her room the remainder of the day, with the MC never seeing or hearing a peep out of them when we've established that it's very easy to hear through the walls?
Tbh it is insanely low effort writing, don't try to read into it at all. The author has him not acknowledge a human/male voice at all when he can supposedly EVERYTHING. Same with this chapter page 25, we have an actual speech bubble of who she is talking to (might be a call/stream/person) but the MC clearly has a disorder that makes it so he only hears certain female voices.

I would hold it against the author if they pull through with her being a slut, tho. There is no sensible reason to have her be passed around at such a young age, it simply adds nothing to the story. It would also change the image I had of them completely after reading some of their prior works.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
She may be talking to someone else, but maybe she just took a sip of a drink the person was offering. And if the whole thing about her moans was because she was talking to the person next door before she got home then who knows.

I still think she may be a voice actor who records in her room. I mean, in one of the chapters she starts the moaning and then stops because she hears him, runs to his room and then proceeds to spend the whole night there. If she was with someone else that person would be mighty angry that she just upped and left them hanging for the whole night.

But who knows with this ridiculous dragging out of the whole thing. Like we need some sort of definitive answer because this is just getting stupid now.
Group Leader
Apr 14, 2020
This is so weird.... at this point it seems obvious that the cousin is banging someone... but how the hell the bf keep eluding the MC???

Does MC have dissociative identity disorder and had been banging the cousin all along?? Is it a ghost?? Will it all explained away lamely with some acrobatic reasoning and cousin turns to be chaste all along?? Or is the author just simply chose to be a troll and dangling the shittiest ntr tease/bait known to mankind??
Apr 10, 2023
Kinda buy into there's actually a person there, otherwise who'll be discussing with her about moaning.
I have no idea what you just said, but I read over the chapter and pieced it together anyway.
I mean it technically is a cuck manga in the manga sense. He is our MC and she was(/is) his first love interest. Him not getting with her isn't really important and to add to that, he just couldn't yet due to the situation and him being a kid.
It's called NTR.
Does MC have dissociative identity disorder and had been banging the cousin all along?? Is it a ghost?? Will it all explained away lamely with some acrobatic reasoning and cousin turns to be chaste all along?? Or is the author just simply chose to be a troll and dangling the shittiest ntr tease/bait known to mankind??
This is still not the worst NTR "bait" manga I've ever read. I've made it all the way through ItaiAmai; this is entirely logical and reasonable by comparison.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
She was talking with someone at the end (probs asked her why the loud moaning) and her saying she doenst wanna hide anything from him anymore (referring to the time she kissed her hs bf and he found out). This is either the biggest NTR bait ive ever seen or shes actually doing it and my boy needs to move on...FAST.
This is has become extremely painful. MC really needs to get out of there but is pretty much currently trapped. He's also a spineless wimp by not just saying "yes" when he was directly asked if he could hear her AND by saying that he did not see what everyone knew he saw at the door. Everything could have been cleared up. THE MC DESERVES THIS PAIN IF ONLY BECAUSE OF THAT.

The hardest thing to explain away was the sloppy kiss with the saliva string at the apartment door, then her pushing someone back and telling them to go on into the room first. (It not being a person is impossibly contrived.) This is only logically explained by it being a boyfriend or a fuck buddy.

The thought bubble could be explained (but very stretched) that she is talking (remotely) with someone who knows what she does (editor?). This would rule out VA because all of the moans would be fakes, not something that she couldn't hold in.

This is what happens when YOU DON'T FUCKING COMMUNICATE.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2024
Well we now know there is someone else in that room with her now because she isn't talking to herself at the end and now we know the college friend is a kinky girl what with the biting and all . Now the author is just hiding who and what is the gender of the person she has sex with so often.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Aite, I'm out 🫡

Not all that interested in cuck MC's 😶
Just gonna say she a hoe and he a cuck, seems like the perfect pair eitherway 😐
Can already tell the story is going to milk the actual talk happening for as long as possible
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2023
It has been only 5 chapters released, and I already have no idea what is going on in this cuck manga :dogkek:
Who is this girl with glasses? How did MC get bite marks on his neck? How is it possible to not know if anyone comes to place where you live and stays there for whole day/night? We can clearly see, that there was some random mumbling at the entrance, where MC's cousin was apparently giving someone kiss - how is it possible not to distinguish male voice from female voice, but clearly hear A VOICE? MC is already in university, right? So he's at least 18 y/o, right? How is it possible not to develop communication skills at that age, that will allows you to ask person you live with/apparently you're in love with - what are those moans? Or at least tell them politely to fuck quieter.
Like, this writing is insanely bad. Maybe not Mt. Everst bad, but definitely K2. All these understatements, all that guessing, imaginations - in short, all that cuckery - could be resolved in literally 10 seconds of conversation, just like normal and real adult human beings are doing. But then author would have to make an actual effort to create a story, and not orbit around cuck fetish, with their garbage storytelling.
And yes, this is cuck manga (as if I haven't make it clear), don't even argue with me, cause I won't start discussion about that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2023
i honestly think these kind of teasing are annoying instead of making people curious, it's like, if she's in a relationship with other dude, it's better to just show it instead of "it's not clear what she's doing is actually lewd or not or whether she's in a relationship or not"

i'm pretty sure romcom is supposed to be funny because it's in the name "romance comedy" not "annoying romance" or infuriating, especially seeing how there's more and more "romance" manga like these

i've seen a lot of NTR or cucking in doujins already, if i just want porn, i'd go to porn site instead of bs author pull like these
Dex-chan lover
Aug 7, 2019
This brother needs to MOOOOOOOOOVE OUTTT if he can't even ask the person he's living with not to be a complete late nite slut or whatever. This is just confusing ass writing either just stop with the tricks and reveal she's actually "pure" or go the dark route and have it actually be BSS/NTR

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