Kusunoki's Flunking Her High School Glow-Up - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Whether kusunoki’s angry or not is none of my business

Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
There is a big difference between finding someone a friend and finding someone a partner. He knows this friend is into her and is behaving more like a Wingman. There is a clear difference, at least to me.

Intentions matter, and it changes the context when he's saying stuff like "I want to be friend with you, give me your contact info" when that's just a way to get her number. And there is nothing wrong with crushing on someone, "wonders of youth" as Shizuki calls it, but she asked you to help her find a 'Friend' and you brought someone who clearly wanted more than that.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
Well, friends =/= people who obviously want to go out with you. When MC introduces a guy that clearly wants FMC to her, and who ONLY likes her because of looks to boot, she's upset for two reasons. First, she didn't mean she wanted help to find people who want her romantically. Second, the person she likes romantically IS THE MC HIMSELF. If the girl you like introduced you to a friend of her as a potential girlfriend, you'd possibly be quite upset, right?
I'm sorry, where in the hell does anyone say that the FMC, at this current point in time, romantically like the MMC?

Oh, right, nowhere because you made it the hell up!

It's a romance manga, so no duh she will eventually end up with him. That's the cliche. But NOWHERE except in your mind does she have romantic feelings for him right now.

And guess what? The rest of your comment is completely meaningless. I can completely admit that the "blonde" (light haired) guy is not a good person to be a friend. So what? Did you think that addressed ANY of what I said?

It didn't. She is still whining about how she thought he was pushing her away even though she asked for help with making friends.

What you just did is make a bunch of crap up to fit your simp fantasy.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
There is a big difference between finding someone a friend and finding someone a partner. He knows this friend is into her and is behaving more like a Wingman. There is a clear difference, at least to me.

Intentions matter, and it changes the context when he's saying stuff like "I want to be friend with you, give me your contact info" when that's just a way to get her number. And there is nothing wrong with crushing on someone, "wonders of youth" as Shizuki calls it, but she asked you to help her find a 'Friend' and you brought someone who clearly wanted more than that.
Fair enough, and that is a valid reason to criticize Shizuki. I completely admit that. However, 1) he apologizes for his half-assed kindness, and 2) NOWHERE does she say that is the problem.

It's the same as the other person's comment. You're inventing excuses for Kusunoki. If she's upset about that, she could say that. Do you think it's impossible for her to say that? She lacks the agency to do that?

Instead, what she says is nothing like what you said. She blames Shizuki for pushing her away by trying to get her to make friends. You know, the thing she asked for help with?

I'm okay with the criticisms of Shizuki. Notice how I don't comment on any of those. I'm not okay with these comments that make Kusunoki faultless.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2023
I'm sorry, where in the hell does anyone say that the FMC, at this current point in time, romantically like the MMC?

Oh, right, nowhere because you made it the hell up!

It's a romance manga, so no duh she will eventually end up with him. That's the cliche. But NOWHERE except in your mind does she have romantic feelings for him right now.

And guess what? The rest of your comment is completely meaningless. I can completely admit that the "blonde" (light haired) guy is not a good person to be a friend. So what? Did you think that addressed ANY of what I said?

It didn't. She is still whining about how she thought he was pushing her away even though she asked for help with making friends.

What you just did is make a bunch of crap up to fit your simp fantasy.
Who hurt you
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
This was stupid. She thought he was trying to push her away? She literally had asked for help in making friends!

Okay, okay relax. It's a mango, not worth fuming over. I think the problem it's like it was described in the chapter: she asked help in making friends, but his action was to have lunch with not only two of his male friends, but also one of them is excessively emotional and extroverted.
Now, remember what she said in previous chapters: she's shy and introverted to the point of being painful. She has very little experience interacting with pretty much everyone, but she wants to change. Thing is you can't rush these things, and the MC has jump several steps here.
To add, he also asked in a rather forceful way, which combined with his previous reluctance to involve himself with her in public, I think you cannot blame her for thinking he wants to dump her. True, she SHOULD have said him what's her problem, but remember she's barely able to gather courage to communicate with MC as it is, like she would be able to put a serious issue forward.
So she couldn't speak up and in the ensuing addressing of the problem it came to light and it seemed like it was MC's fault. While both are at fault, on his end was his half-arsed help which he apologised; while on her end was her current impossibility to speak up her mind, which was her problem from the start, and was something the MC was told a while ago and should have considered. That's why, I think, it looks like "it's MC's fault".

Let me make this clear for anyone who can't read. I have no issue with her saying she is uncomfortable with boys. That's whatever.

It's not only boys, she´s slightly uncomfortable with more-or-less everyone, but it's worst with boys. It's not out of trauma in this case, but shyness. That was the problem from the start.

The problem is her how she got angry at the MC for him trying to do exactly what she asked him to do, and her not explaining things properly.

More for what he did, it's how he did it, which gave her the wrong impression. You can't throw an introvert to a gathering of people and hope shock therapy kicks in.

I hate these stories where the MC just accepts the blame all himself even though she is partially to blame. It's crap.

Well, that's the gentlemanly thing to do. Also, the lion's share of the fault was really his, I believe.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020

Making a quote would be really long, so I'll make a summary.

First, I understand why you think I'm worried up over this. I don't blame you or anyone else for that impression. I'm not, though. I'm chatting about mangos (I know how you spelled it) online. It's whatever.

Second, though, I can group together the vast majority of what you said and say you are being way, way too easy on her. You are acting like she has no ability to express her mind when she literally did that right here, right now, in this chapter. You're ignoring her ability to be a human and treating her like an infant, coddling her and literally saying the blame is on Shizuki.

But you don't want to cut Shizuki any slack? I'll get into it in a little, but you did make up excuses for Kusunoki. But you are clearly unwilling to do the same, to give him the benefit of the doubt, and have instead put the lion's share of blame on him all while you invent excuses for her.

Let me explain the excuses you made. She is shy and wants to change. True. No disagreement from me. He has jumped a couple of steps? False. He asked if she wanted to have lunch with these people. She was already upset last chapter at the mere suggestion BEFORE she ever met either of them. She was already blaming him for doing what she asked him to do BEFORE she ever saw this extroverted person.

And how in the hell did Shizuki skip steps? What was he supposed to do? Again, I'm referring to the very beginning, when he sent her a message asking to have lunch with them. She was ALREADY angry because he was doing what she asked him to do.

And again, she could've said some of the things you mentioned. She didn't. You are taking away her ability to say what is on her mind and inventing words for her.

"that's the gentlemanly thing to do"

Holy crap. Do you not see how hard you are stretching? So, what, is she doing the "ladylike" thing by blaming him for the issue even though she is also at fault? Is that ladylike?

You have continued to do what I literally just said was bad. You invented excuses for her and then said the gentlemanly thing is for him to take all the blame. You don't want them to be friends. Friends means at least some amount of equality. You clearly don't want that.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Absolutely nowhere in this chapter does she apologize. Absolutely nowhere does she accept fault for her actions. She probably doesn't even realize that she did anything wrong.

Well yea, that's her entire character flaw. She doesn't know how to talk to people. She felt bad for talking too much in Ch. 3 and in Ch. 4 she didn't really convey why she was suddenly so hesitant to have lunch with someone else.

Put it another way, Shizuku also doesn't know that Kusonoki should shoulder some of the blame for not speaking up. But at the end of the day were looking through Shizuku's perspective and we know his character flaws better than Kusonoki. Which of course includes being selectively dense. So this chapter helped improve his character more than Kusonoki.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
There is a big difference between finding someone a friend and finding someone a partner. He knows this friend is into her and is behaving more like a Wingman. There is a clear difference, at least to me.

I can understand that perspective. But my main question is if Kusonoki took it that way. This chapter shows she wasn't mad at being shipped, but that she was being pushed away by someone she did want to be friends with
Dex-chan lover
Feb 9, 2023
Thanks for the scanlation! While I find it cool that Shizuku admits that he was treating Kusonoki like the people he despises did to him, I quite agree with @comeonnow0 here. People really need to cut Shizuku some slack. This chapter really contradicts Kusonoki's premises in the first chapters IMO.

She was like "hi, can you help me make friends" and then here she is like "Dont want any other male friends for now tho, only you is fine". Young lad, maybe tell Shiziku that in the beginning? Did you put expectation on him helping you make female friends? While hes around with the bois all the time?

Look, I get it. Theyre still in high school. Still young lads. Miscom like that happens. . . all. . . the. . . time. But! I really wish this chapter have Kusonoki admits those as well. Because their argument in this chapter is very one sided torwards Shizuku. And I dont think one sided argument like that is healthy for friendship.

Maybe she could say somewhere along the line like "SORRY I thought I can make other male friends. turns out I still find them really scary like ghosts under my bed. but youre not scary tho, can we still be friends, pretty please?" (I couldve worded it prettier lmao, but yall get my point)
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
Well yea, that's her entire character flaw. She doesn't know how to talk to people. She felt bad for talking too much in Ch. 3 and in Ch. 4 she didn't really convey why she was suddenly so hesitant to have lunch with someone else.

Put it another way, Shizuku also doesn't know that Kusonoki should shoulder some of the blame for not speaking up. But at the end of the day were looking through Shizuku's perspective and we know his character flaws better than Kusonoki. Which of course includes being selectively dense. So this chapter helped improve his character more than Kusonoki.
Which is all fine. The characters themselves and their actions are fine, flawed, reasonable, and okay.

My problem is with the people who comment. The ones who basically simp for Kusunoki and say it is "gentlemanly" for Shizuki to take the blame. They fawn over her and say she's too good for him, all while ignoring the character flaws she has.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 13, 2020
I thought mc is doing ok so far but looking here ig not many of us share the same opinion, so far we know bunch of reasons why he is that way and we can see that the fmc is extremely depending on him.

So i can see why he sometimes uncomfortable with her as HE IS ALSO JUST DEBUT TO HIS HIGH SCHOOL. I mean he also unfamiliar with all of this. But ig you guys decide to shrug it off lol bcz "fmc is beautiful so she is flawless".

Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
I kinda want this story to subvert the “two leads meant to be together” trope, I mean apparently it’s their first time having actually friends, so it would be nice if they took that approach rather than romance.

Then again, they already have all the flags setup for Dramatic Romcom hijinx…

SOL manga author in 2023 writing a platonic relationship between a girl and a guy challengeIMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2019
I'm sorry, where in the hell does anyone say that the FMC, at this current point in time, romantically like the MMC?

Oh, right, nowhere because you made it the hell up!

It's a romance manga, so no duh she will eventually end up with him. That's the cliche. But NOWHERE except in your mind does she have romantic feelings for him right now.

And guess what? The rest of your comment is completely meaningless. I can completely admit that the "blonde" (light haired) guy is not a good person to be a friend. So what? Did you think that addressed ANY of what I said?

It didn't. She is still whining about how she thought he was pushing her away even though she asked for help with making friends.

What you just did is make a bunch of crap up to fit your simp fantasy.
Okay, let's go through this part by part.
-"where in the hell does anyone say that the FMC, at this current point in time, romantically like the MMC?"
A: in the big, bold, clear letters it would take for you to be capable of getting the point, in some future chapter, which we'll all look forward to. All we have to go on now is hints.

Think about it:
1) why did FMC ask MC to be her friend in the first place when she said herself that boys scare her?
2) Why did FMC, shown to be quite proactive in seeking out MC and quite sweet and talkative with him, doesn't even pretend to care for the other guyS who were with her lunch?
3) Also, did you at least notice that she wants to talk to MC a lot (and got sad that he wasn't into that at first), is very afraid that he'll dislike her and made a point of telling him that she wants nothing to do with other boys?

-"I can completely admit that the "blonde" (light haired) guy is not a good person to be a friend. So what? Did you think that addressed ANY of what I said?"
A: Pointless admission you just made there, since that wasn't my point. Blond kid's personality isn't the problem, what FMC noticed and took issue with is that MC introduced him to her "without caring" (and she IS in the wrong for thinking this way; MC just didn't notice) that blond wants to approach her romantically!

-"What you just did is make a bunch of crap up to fit your simp fantasy."
A: Oh, and you're eading this cute and sweet romance manga for the epic world building and amazing battle scenes, I'm sure! Get over yourself
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I’m sorry what? She went to the MC for the explicit reason of wanting to learn how to make more friends and be more comfortable with people, but now she’s mad he’s doing that? Its been a fat minute since I read it, but if I remember correctly the MC even made it clear that they formed a temporary friendship on the condition of only being friends until she gets more used to social interactions (I thought he even said that he’s uncomfortable with girls but he may have just thought that).

Admittedly the MC starting with opposite sex friends, particularly one that’s a spineless awkward teen with ulterior motives, is a high hurdle and poor decision, but all she needed to say was that she wanted to start with female friends and work her way to being comfortable with guys. The conversation at the end here goes completely against the premise of the manga and makes her come off as obsessive and a bit annoying, like she literally just guilt tripped him for doing what they promised.

That said, this was the most romance oriented chapter. It really just feels like it belongs in a whole different manga. Like its 5 chapters in and the author already feels bored of the very simple and actually kinda good premise they setup (the MC having to help the FML find female friends when he himself is uncomfortable around them while gradually discvoering he’s in love with the FML is a fantastic setup with a lot of opportunities for organic conflict and growth).
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2020
I kinda want this story to subvert the “two leads meant to be together” trope, I mean apparently it’s their first time having actually friends, so it would be nice if they took that approach rather than romance.

Then again, they already have all the flags setup for Dramatic Romcom hijinx…

SOL manga author in 2023 writing a platonic relationship between a girl and a guy challengeIMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY
But... that's against the law! You can't have men and women together as friends! That would bring down the wrath of god! Fire and brimstone raining from the skies! Rivers and oceans of boiling blood! The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!

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