I see I'm not the only one that's unhappy with the analogy here, hahaha.
Funnily enough, I thought he was about to start talking about Lamport's Bakery algorithm, which is the simplest algorithm that solves mutual exclusion problems for N threads. Of course, that wouldn't make sense in this case and that's way to complex for a fluff manga, but still.
Anyway using a bakery for computer analogies isn't odd, so I'll kinda correct the analogy a bit just 'cause I think it's fun when people understand this stuff.
But first,
@quagzlor, like
@potatofood said, that doesn't really describe the issue. That's actually much more similar to a concept in computing called the producer-consumer problem, also known as the bounded buffer problem. potato was more on the mark, but I'll give a more detailed explanation for those interested.
For our bakery, lets assume we have one baker (single-core CPU, which is common for analogies like this), a storage rack for uncooked dough (Disk Memory), and a working table (RAM). Now, lets also say that this storage rack isn't actually in the same room you do your cooking. Instead, it's in a storage shed outside that you have to unlock every single time you want dough. Also, lets say that the baker has a trolley that they can move as much dough as they want when they want.
The advantage of having a larger work-table is that you can store more dough on it, which means that the baker can do more work at a given time, and spend less time grabbing dough from the rack.
Now, of course, even this is slightly inaccurate (for example, the baker shouldn't actually be grabbing the dough 'cause CPUs can work on other processes while files are fetched) and it doesn't really describe all parts of computers, but it gets the point across for this case, which is all these analogies are suppose to do.