Kuzu Rouninsei, Jinsei ga Tsurai no de Yoru no Onee-san wo Yondemita - Vol. 6 Ch. 58 - Promise With the Scumbag

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Yep and Makino is fully aware of it and didn't even ask her to stop, so folks are just showing their whole ass prejudice over here.
Some people act like she can't make a promise or be in love too. That shit is extra funny. Just telling on themselves. Soon they'll say pinkie promises are also off-limits. She's a sex worker, so apparently she has no right to be upset that her partner might be secretly lying to her and getting married to a man? Hilarious.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Stay classy misunderstandings. Though part of me feels that trope is too normal for this manga.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2019
Yep and Makino is fully aware of it and didn't even ask her to stop, so folks are just showing their whole ass prejudice over here.
Kinda ignorant/unfair point of view. Maron already stopped selling herself for some time before and it was pretty much no problem it seemed like. We as readers just know what we know, not everything. So calling her a ho and scum for still sleeping around while making such a huge promise with/binding down Makino isn't really uncalled for?

Makino also did not ask her to stop because Maron literally is holding her on a leash so Makino thinks she needs to use her service herself to get that physical intimacy and 1 on 1 time.

I feel like at this point in the manga you can't argue whether Maron is scummy anymore but if she is as scummy as Makino, lol.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Kinda ignorant/unfair point of view. Maron already stopped selling herself for some time before and it was pretty much no problem it seemed like. We as readers just know what we know, not everything. So calling her a ho and scum for still sleeping around while making such a huge promise with/binding down Makino isn't really uncalled for?

Makino also did not ask her to stop because Maron literally is holding her on a leash so Makino thinks she needs to use her service herself to get that physical intimacy and 1 on 1 time.

I feel like at this point in the manga you can't argue whether Maron is scummy anymore but if she is as scummy as Makino, lol.
You're projecting your views onto our MC. Our MC has expressed little issue with Mashiro's work; and especially in Japan, it is relatively common to understand that sex work with a fee is separate from a normal relationship. Mashiro isn't forcing her to do anything, she is literally our MC's "fave" like an idol for her. Our MC used the sex apps because she liked them.

When it comes to moving their relationship past sex, the way you've described it is backward. Mashiro has recently wanted to move into a new relationship. Our MC wants that as well but is more fixated on sex. It's our MC who is someone who has previously been stuck in her older "fave" thinking and who has largely always pushed for sex even in private meetings (even after Mashiro nearly committed self-harm). Both of them want to be together but they do it differently. So it's odd to flip that back onto Mashiro now and act as though she's tricking the MC somehow. Our MC doesn't care about her work and crucially, Mashiro has expressed her desire to continue meeting our MC as herself and not as Maron. Remember that our MC felt a bit sad when Mashiro first discussed this separation.

Take Mashiro's work out of the equation (which our MC does) and she's been the most wholesome out of the two of them when it comes to their relationship. They've both consented to their relationship dynamic. It's only our MC who is breaking promises. This is ignoring Mashiro's other depressive issues that caused her fixation with only being needed as "Maron." Honestly, neither of them are scumbags. That whole thing is overblown and the author doesn't even discuss them that way either.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2019
You're projecting your views onto our MC. Our MC has expressed little issue with Mashiro's work; and especially in Japan, it is relatively common to understand that sex work with a fee is separate from a normal relationship. Mashiro isn't forcing her to do anything, she is literally our MC's "fave" like an idol for her. Our MC uses these sex apps because she likes them, she's obsessed. When it comes to moving their relationship past sex, the way you've described it is backwards. It is Mashiro who has wanted to move into a new relationship. Our MC wants that as well but is more fixated on sex. It's our MC who is someone who has previously been stuck in her older "fave" thinking and who has largely always pushed for sex even in private meetings (even after Mashiro nearly committed self-harm). Both of them want to be together but they do it differently. So it's odd to flip that back onto Mashiro now and act as though she's tricking the MC somehow. Our MC doesn't care about her work. She's made no value judgments. Take Mashiro's work out of the equation and she's been the most wholesome out of the two of them when it comes to their relationship. This "promise" is just another example of Mashiro's desire for a deeper relationship away from her alter ego. This is ignoring her other depressive issues that caused her fixation with only being needed as "Maron."
"You're projecting your views onto our MC." Huh. That is some asspull buzzwording. I never implied she has any issues with the type of work? Neither did I imply that sex work is something inherently bad? I said Maron is scummy for still doing it when not needed (as I said, she stopped before with no big problem arising) while binding down Makino/a potential partner. We can only speculate why she would still work there but at this point it just seems like "I get to fuck around cuz I depressed so feel better while u stay put on my long leash".

Makino clearly idolized her but at this point we are way past that with her personal interest in Maron clearly winning, sex just seems like something very important to her (like to Maron but in a different way) and her most favorite way to show her love. That much should be clear by now. As I said- Maron is absolutely treating her like a backup plan and Makino wants to use the service to "get her fill". Literally THE SAME as Maron. One just is paying for the for the fill and one is getting paid.

I said BOTH are scummy at this point in the manga. One more than the other, whatever. But trying so hard to defend a character that clearly is acting selfish just as much as another is weird. I am shitting on both of them if you didn't get it yet?

About the depressive issue, Makino is acting a bit neglectful on that front BUT she is not a social worker or some kind of knight in shining armor that has to fix/save her. She made her intentions clear and Maron is acting unfair with her demands and way of thinking (even when in a state of depression) so you can't blame anyone at all. If you blame one of them it has to be both.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
"You're projecting your views onto our MC." Huh. That is some asspull buzzwording. I never implied she has any issues with the type of work? Neither did I imply that sex work is something inherently bad? I said Maron is scummy for still doing it when not needed (as I said, she stopped before with no big problem arising) while binding down Makino/a potential partner. We can only speculate why she would still work there but at this point it just seems like "I get to fuck around cuz I depressed so feel better while u stay put on my long leash".

Makino clearly idolized her but at this point we are way past that with her personal interest in Maron clearly winning, sex just seems like something very important to her (like to Maron but in a different way) and her most favorite way to show her love. That much should be clear by now. As I said- Maron is absolutely treating her like a backup plan and Makino wants to use the service to "get her fill". Literally THE SAME as Maron. One just is paying for the for the fill and one is getting paid.

I said BOTH are scummy at this point in the manga. One more than the other, whatever. But trying so hard to defend a character that clearly is acting selfish just as much as another is weird. I am shitting on both of them if you didn't get it yet?
Obviously I "get it." I disagree, which should also be obvious. Anyway, we'll just have to disagree on your characterization of Maron and how she views her relationship with our MC, as well as the sincerity of her feelings. I don't have much else to say about it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2019
Obviously I "get it." I disagree, which should also be obvious. Anyway, we'll just have to disagree on your characterization of Maron and how she views her relationship with our MC, as well as the sincerity of her feelings. I don't have much else to say about it.
You just wrongly decided my views on prostitution for me and put words into my mouth but we quickly cleared that misunderstanding- pair that with the ~fact~ that Maron just is as unreasonable as Makino, Maron's character being a bit deeper than "lol depressed" and we got pretty much nothing left to disagree on. Glad we came to a conclusion.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I guess we'll continue this for one more comment. I didn't notice the reply.
So calling her a ho and scum for still sleeping around while making such a huge promise with/binding down Makino isn't really uncalled for?
This was the issue and where the disagreement came from. Your characterization of that and what it implies. Whether you call her a "ho" or "scum" for her sex work while in a relationship etc. That issue is not resolved, nor is the rest of my original reply. We obviously still disagree, as you had more to say about your impressions of Maron and her intentions, which I expected and replied to. But it's not a big deal either way.
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Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2023
Let's put that insane hypocritical bullshit that spewed from Maron's mouth in last few pages of this chapter on hold for a moment. She knows Makino loves her, she's also aware she has some budding feeling towards Makino herself, she forced a completely onesided promise on the girl without throwing in any effort on her part, and, here's the big one, she's still a prostitute.

Why is that a big deal? She got jealous and had a fit seeing Makino with some rando while standing next to the girl she just fucked for cash.

Top tier scum
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2023
So you whore up with girls, and just a minute later you're jelly... I love this manga xD
yanno, but for some ppl sexual and romantic sphere of relationships are two different things. just saying tho
Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2023
I feel you, corona sure is pain in the butt.

But that chapter! I wasn't ready for that kind of reaction. Like the client you just spent some sweet time with is right beside you but you complain about promises. This manga never misses a chance to make me laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all 😂😂🤣🤣🤧🤧🤣🤣🤣
what kind of promises maron break tho?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2023
I love all the new ways the author finds to make her even more scummy. Now she's taking the guy who's card she has to buy expensive gifts for her hooker girlfriend.

Just on those unhappy Maron still sleeps with other people. She's a prostitute, she can't stop working because she fell in love. She's hooking and teaching because she must need the money from two jobs.
exactly. money doesnt grow on trees. u gotta earn it somehow and shrex work is perfectly valid way to do it
Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2023
"You're projecting your views onto our MC." Huh. That is some asspull buzzwording. I never implied she has any issues with the type of work? Neither did I imply that sex work is something inherently bad? I said Maron is scummy for still doing it when not needed (as I said, she stopped before with no big problem arising) while binding down Makino/a potential partner. We can only speculate why she would still work there but at this point it just seems like "I get to fuck around cuz I depressed so feel better while u stay put on my long leash".

Makino clearly idolized her but at this point we are way past that with her personal interest in Maron clearly winning, sex just seems like something very important to her (like to Maron but in a different way) and her most favorite way to show her love. That much should be clear by now. As I said- Maron is absolutely treating her like a backup plan and Makino wants to use the service to "get her fill". Literally THE SAME as Maron. One just is paying for the for the fill and one is getting paid.

I said BOTH are scummy at this point in the manga. One more than the other, whatever. But trying so hard to defend a character that clearly is acting selfish just as much as another is weird. I am shitting on both of them if you didn't get it yet?

About the depressive issue, Makino is acting a bit neglectful on that front BUT she is not a social worker or some kind of knight in shining armor that has to fix/save her. She made her intentions clear and Maron is acting unfair with her demands and way of thinking (even when in a state of depression) so you can't blame anyone at all. If you blame one of them it has to be both.
there werent any problems, because she literally wanted to off herself. i dont really remember exact reason as for why she quit her job as shrex worker, but its beside the point anyway.

person who wants to kill themselves doesnt think abt anything else. how do i know? guess what: autopsy.

after this issue gow temporary "resolved" she go back to that job cuz, welp, she needed money???? and that was basically the job that not only she was familiar with, but also pretty good at. i wonder if makino wasnt also part a reason tho. thats it.

u can say that ur not against shrex work, but, honey, with this narrative, u cant fool anyone XD
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2024
I'm going to need Makino's scumminess to triumph over her foolishness and ruin this little rich creep's life :angery:

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