Lady Baby

Feb 4, 2018
Mister Cupid need a Gatling if he want to do his job properly (All the adults - and child - fall for Calliope - the readers too >.< )
Mar 31, 2020
i find the slow pacing of the story to be an asset of it, like one friend of mine said, "glad it's this slow bc we're getting a lot of development and gonna enjoy it for a loooong time" , totally agree
Jan 17, 2020
Y’all be hating on this webtoon because Lippe starts speaking at the age of 1 with “Thank you for giving birth to me.” Do you guys realize that it’s because she has the mental age of an adult? Of course it’s strange and weird. But y’all act as if she’s an actual baby lol. It’s not supposed to be realistic for a 1 y/o but with her mentality it’s possible. Many of us enjoy Lady Baby so if you don’t like it you don’t have to hate, just go read something else. 10/10 from me. ❤️
Mar 8, 2020
Hi guys! I saw the official site and chapters, it ends with a chapter 76 and the last update was some time ago sooo I'm thinking that an author has a break or sth?
Aug 22, 2019
The only thing I don't like is how lippe keeps shipping Hildert and Julian together. Did she forget about there gender? Why would she think they like each other? Its just dumb and not funny, because we as the readers know that they both like her. So what's the point?
Feb 3, 2020
Tbh as much as I like reading this, all these kids falling in love left and right is so unbelievable lmao. Like seriously, at ~7 we were playing with mud pies and thought the opposite sex had cooties lmao. It doesn’t bother me at all with Lippe since she’s supposed to be reincarnated but the other kids seem to be a bit too developed as well. I wouldn’t mind if it were a couple of characters but literally everybody is in love with her.
Nov 14, 2019
Some ppl are frustrated that this webtoon manhwa is slow.. ahm.. have you ever heard the word 'development'? It's a slooow-build to show what were missed out leading to Lippe's family demise. It shows how she started to do her best from the beginning since she was reborn to prevent their family's destruction. As a reader, it might be frustrating to see details that maybe are not needed it our pov but that is the beauty of this webtoon.. it applies to Lippe's world and not our world.. Besides, fast development equals to lots of unanswered questions and very quick ending. Why don't we just appeciate that we have a nice manga like this to look forward to from time to time. 🥰 Big thanks to the scanlators~ Thanks for sharing your work~ 😊
Dec 5, 2019
I know this makes no sense but i hate that she is behaving so much like an adult. Like it would be fine if it was just mentally cause obviously every adult on earth already forgot how they behaved as a child, but HOW CAN SHE FREAKING WALK BEING SO YOUNG IF HER MUSCLES ARE YET TO DEVELOP. The mind over body mentality went way too far with that one smh
Aug 29, 2019
Lippe is an adult and knows that Julian is a boy, yet doesn't seem to realize or even care that his mother is abusing him by forcing him to dress up and take on his sister's identity?? It's so weird, the narrative literally stated it was abuse before but now it's just not a huge issue lmao. Makes no sense. Her being an idiot about Hildert and Julian liking her for 3+ chapters is incredibly annoying too.

Dropping this manga, maybe it'll be better by chapter 110 or so.
Jan 4, 2019
The children arent "falling in love" its childhood infatuation. It's also sad seeing all the ADHD sufferers triggered by normally paced character development.
Aug 17, 2019
I love the story and it immedietly catched my attention with how it started. I am well aware that it's going to be a slow process and a lot of chapters before we see teenage Lippe, HOWEVER even slow-peaced stories which are supposed to show great development must be done in moderation. At the moment I'm starting to feel a little bit disinterested. The flow of the story was good until a few chapters ago.

I do not like stories that are dragging too much and even though Lady Baby is not one of them now it can simply become one soon. I would like to see a little bit more dynamic situations. I love the story, but if this peace keeps up, I will wait for 30-40 more chapters to come out and start reading it again.

I love loooong stories, but all events must be showed with appropriate peace. If it slows down too much, I will wait to read a bunch of them at once, since I am very curious how the story(and war!) will turn out in this timeline. I hope the story will get a little bit faster soon, since I am starting to feel a little unfomfortable with how mature Lippe is behaving for being a 5 yo. It rises suspicion ;_; Hope not many people will use it against her in the future.
Oct 14, 2019
people defend the pace, saying it’s character development, but it’s not. julian literally ripped the wings off of a butterfly and lippe didn’t even take the time to let him understand that’s wrong. we already knew he was a budding psychopath, it would have been fine if lippe even attempted to educate him but was interrupted, but she simply went “so everyone just lets him do whatever? okay let’s play.” every chapter up until recently has been filled with character development that we all appreciated, we understand all the important characters except for the white haired future duke. the only progress that is coming out of these filler chapters, is the fight that just took place. and i have a feeling that the fight will be shrugged off, or hildert will take the blame for this, because he hit first, when julian was the one that snatched his present and freaking destroyed it. so where is his character development again?

again, all that’s going on is showing how much kids are falling in love with lippe. oh sorry iNfAtUaTiOn. listen, i know you wanna be smart or whatever, but 5-7 year olds don’t know the difference. regardless, no one of that age is going to have romantic feelings for any person.

the point is: yes it’s supposed to be a long story and i don’t mind how it’s slow, but i want to see actual character development, not a mini plot being dragged out and randoms defending the length by labeling it as character development.

in these chapters i wanted to see an attempt to reprimand julian for slaughtering that butterfly, for destroying someone else’s present and picking a fight. i want to see hildert change from being mean to lippe because he likes her (?? at his age) to actually complimenting her when he thinks she’s pretty. (which i think the past chapters actually did a good job in introducing that change).

do you all see the difference? what i described is character development. what we got is seeing julian get away with killing a living creature for no reason (bad), seeing them fight over lippe while the subject herself idiotically thinks they like each other (bad. i mean come on i thought she was an adult? before i could understand the misjudgment, but they literally don’t like being around each other? they try their hardest to get away from each other? what??), hildert beginning to understand that he should be nice to the girl he likes (good), julian destroying someone else’s belonging because he’s jealous (and we’ll see whether lippe teaches him that it was wrong.)
Apr 13, 2020
Good lord this was hard to read. I've gone down the dying and going to the past or going inside a novel universe rabbit hole these past few weeks and this one is by far the worst thing I have read, bar none. The reaction to my 1 or 2 year old child saying those complicated I love yous to me would be to get an exorcist. I do not understand the logic of the adults in this comic.
The pacing is fine but the main character is disgustingly cringy even if she does have all her memories. She does not use them to her fullest advantage and is just sort of going with the flow. If my family was going to die a horrid death and I knew about it I would atleast make a sound plan to avoid that.
The author went with the current trend of comics with going back in time and such but utterly failed to execute it. She's making connections in the stupidest ways that make no sense. She knows what kids are going to be important and should just build it from there as a child not this weird ass adult hybrid. Also the singing adds nothing except wasted panels that could have been used for some real plot. If every other comic in the world somehow mysteriously disappeared I would still not re-read this.
Also the love angles, or as many of you claim childhood crushes, are straight up gross. What 12 year old has a crush on a 5 year old. Saying that the child is mature so she's more likeable and thus fair game is the sort of reasoning pedophiles use when targeting children. Go see a therapist.
Jul 24, 2018
I was going to give this another chance because i couldnt remember why i had dropped it and given it a 4. I thank the commenters for reminding me that even though i read isekai, reincarnation and otome manhwas, there are limits to my suspension of disbelief.
Double-page supporter
Feb 18, 2018
I can’t blame people for dropping this. The safe solution would be for her to tell the Parents everything. But let’s be real. At least the Author is acknowledging her “weirdness” that she talks like an old lady.

Let’s be honest. The characters are all copied/paste. Handsome tragic boy, Yandere shota, playboy, we see them everytime in works like these. I don’t mind it but the best guy is never chosen!! The guy whose of common origin and stayed with her till the end. The harem is everywhere.

In the end it’s same old - Political Drama, Word Games, and Borrowing her ‘Husband’ influence to look cool. It’s never her strength.

I want to defend this novel but at the same time I hold great doubt it’ll get better because it’s always the same pattern. I like the mini background plot thus It makes me sigh in regret.

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